Page 10 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 10

Interview with Ambassador

                                              Jan Eliasson,

                     former Swedish Minister of Foreign

                 Affairs, and former President of the UN

                                         General Assembly

              Jan Eliasson - the name                                                 stake and that other
              sounds 	                                                                organizations, such as
                        familiar.. .He
              has such a long list of                                                 NATO, are trying to take
              accomplishments, and                                                    over the void left by the
              hardly anybody either                                                   UN. Do you share this
              in the United Nations or                                                point of view?
              in the political field in
              general has more inter-                                                 I understand the concern.
              national 	                                                              The world is facing truly glo-
              than him. We met him in                                                 bal problems. To deal with
              Geneva recently when,                                                   them effectively we need
              despite his busy                                                        strong and competent global
              schedule, he granted us                                                 organisations which are
              an interview in between                                                 representative and conside-
              his meetings. So now                                                    red legitimate. In this regard,
              leaving the floor to Jan                                                the UN is in a class of its
              Eliasson...                                                             own. But it is still a challen-
                                                                                      ge for Member States to live
              0: Mr Eliasson, we do                                                   up to the principles of the
              not hear much about                                                     UN Charter. Here the
              you these days. Have                                                    Security Council has a spe-
              you retired from public  do you see the evolution  Q: You are currently on   cial, and serious responsibili-
              life?                   of the UN since then?   the International Red   ty to maintain international
                                                              Cross Board of  peace and security. If the
              Not at all. As former  The UN is being challenged  International Advisors.   Security Council falls in this
              Minister for Foreign Affairs,  by new multipolar groups,  What exactly do you do   regard there is a risk that
              I take part in the debate in  primarily the G 20. It is  in this capacity?   other organisations - or even
              Sweden, not least, on inter- important to build bridges                 Member States - will fill the
              national developments. We  between these exclusive  We meet twice a year for a   void. The Security Council,
              have an important election  groups and the wider interna-  couple of days with the lea-  therefore, needs to be
              in Sweden in September  tional community, i.e. organi-  dership and staff of the   reformed both in terms of
              2010.                   sations with clearer mandates  ICRC in Geneva to analyse   representativity and methods
              I also keep contact with my  and responsibilities, most  and discuss trends and deve-  of work. It should be more of
              friends in the UN system  importantly the UN, inclu-  lopments both in conflict   a negotiation body and the
              and in the humanitarian  ding the Brettons Woods sys-  areas and in different areas   veto should be avoided. I
              community on a number of  tem.                  of international humanita-  would like to see a veto-free
              issues. I continue to feel pas- But the UN and the Bretton  rian law. It is a very good   culture emerge in the
              sion and compassion. And  Woods institutions must be  group and our discussions   Security Council.
              mediation as well as huma- reformed. From personal  are lively and stimulating. I
              nitarian diplomacy is addic- experience, I know that  am proud to contribute to   0: In Sweden you have
              tive. Like a drug in my  reform is a slow-moving pro-  the respectable and impres-  recently established an
              veins!                  cess. The member states  sive work of the ICRC   NGO for water. Why did
                                      must soon come to the  under the leadership of   you involve yourself in
              Q: You were the  conclusion that good interna-  Jacob Kellenberger.     such a challenging task,
              president of the sixtieth  tional solutions are in their                and what are the main
              General Assembly. How  national interest.       0: We often hear that   tasks
                                                              multilateralism is at   organization?
                 8 4 2009 Diva

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