Page 20 - DIVA_4_2009
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have clients all over market wide reputation, we always willing to invest in grow alongside our clients
the world? will continue to serve the community. In the and the country where we
clients and amass further same way that the country are based. We will
When we first started affiliates. Trust Re serves has and will continue to continuously endeavour to
operations back in 1989 we clients in over forty serve us well, we are serve the needs of our
only had a handful of countries and we strive to always looking for ways of clients
clients who were personal establish our name and giving back to society and opportunity. It is our
friends and recommenda- develop strong relations- the community. company vision and
tions. But we do pride our- hips wherever it is deemed mission to be the
selves on our relationships fit. From a location perspecti- Regional Reinsurer of
and, as time has shown, we ve, Bahrain is also a hub Choice" and we will
Q. What are the for many neighbouring always be working to be
rapport with anyone who advantages of being locations, such as the six the best. I feel that you
comes through our doors. based in Bahrain? countries of the Gulf Co- cannot solely judge a
operation Council and it is company by the amount of
We are always willing to Bahrain offers very many within a three-hour flight profits generated, but more
extend the maximum opportunities for all people radius of Beirut, Turkey about how the company
support wherever possible. and businesses, whether and Central Asia, which operates with respect to its
Today, Trust Re currently expatriate or local. It is a have traditionally been community and its
serves the Arab, African fairly small but very tightly vacation hotspots for clientele. When we feel a
and Asian regions as a key knit community based on global world travellers. personal contact with our
player in the industry. Our honour, respect and friend- affiliates, we begin to
reputation is going from liness to everyone alike. It 0. Finally, where realize the true essence of
strength to strength and we is known as the "business would you like to see who we are. Trust Re is
are constantly looking for friendly Bahrain" and still your company a cou- built on very strong ethics
opportunities to grow, both lives up to that name very ple of years from now? and values and will
as a corporation and as comfortably. Our operation continuously use these as a
individuals. We have a started here as it was a very I would like Trust Re to be reference to conquer
very capable team of strategic location for recognized as a reinsuran- success.
specialists and experts who buyers and sellers to meet. ce operation that was never
are dedicated to see the As you know, it is not an driven by greed, but
company excel into the oil rich nation; it is a nation merely directed by the
highest realms of success enriched in culture and strong long-term relations-
and we hope that through heritage
is hips that we pride
this, coupled with our conducive to people ourselves on today. We
18 42009 Diva