Page 8 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 8

the traditional tele-  supply a wider or larger band-
                                                                phone. Why? You    wave for a specific environ-
                                                                are limited in terms   ment through optic fibres or
                                                                of spectrum on the   fixed lines, which give you
                                                                wireless side, while   broadband access. Of course,
                                                                 there are other   wireless is advancing as well,
                                                                 opportunities if you   and the comparison of services
                                                                 have both applica-  now is amazing: you can no
                                                                 tions. When satelli-  longer separate telephone from
                                                                 tes first came in,   television, from video, from
                                                                 there was a question   electricity. An electricity com-
                                                                 whether micro-    pany can be a telecommunica-
                                                                 waves would stay --  tion provider today because
                                                                 they are still being   you can transmit electro-
                                                                 used. All technolo-  magnetic signals through elec-
                                                                 gies are comple-  tric wires. This is changing the
                                                                 mentary.          whole economy.

                                                                 Q:  So you would  Q:  Is it true that with the
                                                                 encourage the     Internet the world has beco-
                                                                 developing world   me a global village?
                             engagement in terms of fair   to install more telephone
                             competition that are so    lines?                     The global village is a good
                             attractive for foreign invest-                        feeling but also a challenge.
                             ment. They also look at aspects   No, that is not the case. The   The challenge is providing
                             of new technologies as they   clear example of what is hap   access to people everywhere
                             appear and their application for   -pening in the developing   and, at the same time, creating
                             wireless 	                                            an environment of security in
                                                        world was Cambodia in 2000,
                             mobile telephones, wireless   where the number of mobile   cyberspace. National and inter-
                             Internet and, of course, all their   subscribers surpassed the num-  national laws need to be har-
                             implications in terms of crime,   ber of fixed telephone lines for   monized and coordinated in
                             spam, etc. The World Summit   the first time in any country of   order to ensure that we are all
                             on the Information Society   the world. That was because of   tackling this phenomenon toge-
                             came with -- as far as I'm   the regulatory environment that   ther.
                             concerned -- two major tasks   had been created. Nowadays,
                             for ITU, which I intend to   there are more countries like  Q:   What are you hoping to
                             pursue. One is building the   this. In fact, there are 2.5 billion   achieve during your four
                             infrastructure necessary for   telephone users in the world   years at the head of ITU?
                             bridging the digital divide, and   today, of whom  1.5  billion are
                             the second is security in   mobile subscribers. If you ana-  The ITU Plenipotentiary
                             cyberspace.                lyse this, there are many inter-  conference in Antalya, Turkey,
                                                        esting aspects. This is the first   where I was elected in
                             Q: You said that you wish to   time that you have new   November, has given us a very
                             build up the infrastructure. Is   services within a neutral   clear mandate. By 2009 we are
                             it not more expensive to   environment based on global   supposed to organize a policy
                             install traditional telephone   competition. At the same time,   forum to ensure that the world
                             lines than to encourage peo-  the technology in itself was   is a better and safer place.
                             ple to use mobile networks?   appropriate because the private   Between now and then, I am
                   nternatona   telecommunications issue.   "prepaid". One of the biggest   security together. ITU is well

                                                        sector came up with an
                                                                                   working to ensure that we
                             Mobiles are part of an evolving
                                                                                   tackle the problem of Internet
                                                        innovatory solution -- such as
                             Mobile users often have fixed
                                                        problems for fixed telephone
                                                                                   placed to do this as we are the
                             telephones as well, to which
                                                                                   only place in the world where
                                                        lines is that to be able to
                                                                                   all parties talk to each other
                             you may connect new devices.
                                                        subscribe you need an address
                             Whenever a new technology
                                                        and a bank account. This is no
                                                                                   about these issues -- even those
                                                        longer the case.
                                                                                   holding different points of
                             comes along, it does not mean
                             useless. There is still room for
               6 1 2007 Diva   that the old one is completely   It may only be possible to    view.

                                            v       nternationat.
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