Page 10 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 10


                              become increasingly relevant.   Ensuring that all the satellites  a platform for developing and
                                                        around the Earth -- not only their  developed countries.
                              Q: Do you agree that ITU is   locations but the frequencies
                              "a rapidly expanding orga-  they use -- are not interfering  Q: Your Number Two is from
                              nization"?                with each other is also calculated  China*. Robert Hessler said
                                                        here at ITU.              that Africa and China wor-
                              Yes. Even the original manda-                        king together is a global trend.
                              te of ITU -- standardization --  The Standardization Bureau is  Do you have any comments?
                              is growing now, because you  making sure that everyone is
                              have thousands of new patents  using standards that enable them  I think South-South cooperation
                              on a daily basis. Therefore,  to talk to each other, from simple  is a key area being looked at by
                              standardization is becoming  ones -- country codes, city codes  many developing countries. Of
                              more important. Spectrum  -- to the more complex ones --  course, it's one of many part-
                              management is also increas-  like the coding inside the signal  nerships coming along and
                              ingly important because we   itself That is the technical side.  China is a very good model of
                              are living in a wireless world.   Experts from all over the world  development today, given its
                                                        come together regularly to dis-  size and strategies. It has
                              Q: What is a spectrum?    cuss these issues. The latest stan-  enjoyed double-figure growth
                                                        dard they are working on is  over many years -- this is what
                              To use wireless communica-  interoperability between the  many developing countries
                              tions you need a special fre-  telephone and the Internet,  want. In the ICT field, coopera-
                              quency. Each communication   because today the computer can  tion with other countries is a
                              needs to work on its own fre-  be used as a telephone. You have  must. I would like to see some
                              quency and these frequencies   to convert the 20-digit codes  very large-scale initiatives, such
                                                        used inside the computer into a  as
                              must not interfere with each
                    nternationa   sion station, each mobile ope-  be aware of this.   build bridges in the ICT field
                              organize it on a global scale.  but technically the user will not  Europe-Americas. I want to
                                                        6- or 9-digit telephone number;  America-Africa, Asia-Africa or
                              other. Therefore, you need to
                              Each radio station, each televi-
                                                                                   and to achieve better results.
                              rator in the world has its own
                                                        The third part of ITU is the
                                                        Development Sector, which is  Q: Since you and your
                              frequency. The idea is to cause
                              no harm to others -- nor to  helping countries to bridge the  Number Two know ITU very
                                                        digital divide, to develop their  well -- the strengths and weak-
                              ones self. All those frequen-
                              Radiocommunication Bureau.
                                                        developing countries alone. It is
                8  1 2007 Diva   cies are coordinated by ITU's   infrastructure. This is not for  nesses - what are your plans?

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