Page 11 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 11
We are fortunate in that the Yes, I started that on the the international organ- the countries that need our
Member States chose five day of my election. izations? support. We need to work
elected officials of whom Dialogue with the staff is together and to avoid what
all were very experienced the responsibility of the On my first day in office I call the credit-taking
in ITU's work; so the good Secretary-General and I on 8 January, I convened a business -- let's give credit
news is that we do not met with the Staff staff meeting where I laid to those we are helping
have to learn anything in Association in Antalya. I out my plan, my visions rather than trying to take
order to start. From day personally believe in staff and my strategy, and I had the credit ourselves.
one we have the possibi- morale to achieve the level a very positive reaction.
lity of making a differen- of excellence that I'm As a result, the staff have So, keeping that in mind, I
am making a very positive
ce. looking for. I'm a been
perfectionist and, as in the directly with me or my call to the United Nations
This team has known each Olympics, I feel all the Deputy in proposing Family, all of the inter-
other for many years. I players need be in good improvements for ITU. If national community and
have worked with my shape. I think the best way you treat the staff fairly, civil society, to work
Deputy when we were to do this is to build they will give the best of together. There are some
both Directors for the past confidence themselves -- and that is really good opportunities
eight years in a perfect management and staff. exactly what has hap- for us to do so and I think,
working relationship, so Transparency is the key: pened. I am very pleased more importantly, that
we can build on past expe- "what you see is what you with the way it has started. there is room for us all. We
rience. It will be the same get". You do not need to We will evaluate this mat- all have our own platforms
for the other three recently waste time when you ter and report to the for positive discussion.
elected Directors as well -- show the logic behind Council in September.
heading the Development, decisions and when people * Note from the Editor.
Standardization and Radio have confidence in you. Q: Do you have a mes- Houlin ZHAO, ITU
Communication Sectors -- That has been my way of sage for the international Deputy
we are one team. working and I will conti- community here in General.
nue doing so. Why change Geneva?
Q: You said in a press something that has worked
conference not long ago in the past? My message is that ITU is
that you will install a dia- now ready to work with all
logue with ITU person- Q: So the ITU staff will partners. Our most
nel. Have you done so? be among the happiest in important goal is to assist
1 2007 Diva 9
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