Page 9 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 9

From left to right: Sami Al-Basheer; Director; Telecommunication Development Bureau; Deputy Secretary-General: Houlin Zhao; Secreto,
                General: Hamadoun I. Touré; Valery Timofeev, Director; Radiocommunication Bureau; Malcolm Johnson, Director; Telecommunication
                                                    Standardization Bureau.

              Q: Internet security    e-commerce, e-goveman-  contact with each other.   not need to convince the
              seems a very complicated   cc, c-education, etc. We are   That's what makes ITU so   Head of State of any coun-
              task.                   very dependent on       important.             try that ICTs are important
                                      cyberspace and we must                         tools, and WSIS has
              When we are talking about   avoid a situation where   You need a worldwide   shown that political sup-
              cybersecurit.y, it includes   one country can knock out   agreement so as not to re-  port is there. Now, it's a
              the Internet, telephones --  the network of another   invent the wheel each   matter of adopting the
              everything! If not, crimi-  country. Everybody has to   time. For the first time, the   right policy and building
              nals from one country will   be protected. The fact that   private sector will be on an   the right strategies, infra-
              soon invade other coun-  our lives are so dependent   equal footing with govern-  structures, financing, capa-
              tries. Child pornography is   on ICTs makes such pro-  ments. The private sector   city-building and competi-
              one thing that we have to   tection very important. We   needs to be part of the   tion. These are the key
              tackle to ensure that our   could be faced with a   agreement because who is   areas where we need to
              children are protected.   situation like that of the   going to do the work?  work with countries --
              Third-Generation techno-  tsunami that devastated   Security depends upon   individually and on a glo-
              logy (3G), where tele-  parts of Asia at the end of   software sold by big com-  bal scale.
              phones can receive any-  2004 -- a worldwide cata-  panies. Therefore, one has
              thing by video, is a    strophe. Everything could   to use a different philo-  This is one area where all
              problem if you do not have   break down if we do not   sophy. Since ITU has  the parties need to talk to
              good protection. Viruses   protect ourselves. Do you   governments and private   each other, since growth is
              are another problem. Spam   remember the fear that we   companies as members   necessary everywhere. In
              has large cost and other   had back in 1999 about the   and associates, it's a good   order for two parties to
              implications. Farmers who   "millennium bug"? One   place to broker a deal.   communicate, they need
              invest in hardware and   country cannot to do it                       the same equipment and
              software for computers to   alone; it has to be done on   Q: Can we expect some-  the same standards.
              sell their products may   a global scale. ITU has   thing major happening   Everywhere, people are
              receive viruses that destroy   been working on cyber-  in the next couple of  travelling to other coun-
              that investment if they are   security for many years. In   years?     tries and need to commu-
              not protected  --  the   the Development Sector,                       nicate with their families,
              equivalent of many      we brought out a number   Developing countries see   friends and business rela-
              months of work.         of publications on behalf   ICTs as important for their   tions. Therefore, the need
                                      of partners who normally   own development. You do   for communication has
              This is where you come to   would not have had any
                                                                                                    1 2007 Diva 7

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