Page 16 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 16

Unification of gas pipelines:

                                               an on-going project

                                              Interview with Sergei Kouzmine
                                         UN Economic Commission for Europe

                                 In these days when the   are making a refrigerator, it   gas comes from Siberia to
                                 world in concentrating   should correspond to a standard   Ukraine to Poland and so on
                                 on the energy issue, an   -- size, energy consumption, etc.   -- but the pipelines are not
                                 important work of stan-  If your product does not cor-  exactly the same. The
                                 dardization of different   respond to this standard, you are   moment the gas crosses a
                                                          stopping your industry from   border, it flows through
                                 gas pipelines is being
                                                          expanding because nobody will   different pipes, how they are
                                 carried out in Geneva,
                                                          buy it.                    placed, the diameter, security
                                 more precisely at the
                                                                                     requirements, etc. In this
                                 UN Economic Commis-
                                                          In the technology area, for   globalized world, you need
                                 sion for Europe (UN
                                                          instance, it is very important to   to have the same require-
                                 ECE). The person in
                                                          have standards as they allow   ments.
                                 charge of this impor-
                                                          products to be competitive and
                                 tant work is Mr Serge!   comparable. Standards can also   We received a request from
                                 Kouzmine, who kindly
                                                          be very useful to ensure safety   the Russian union of
                                 accepted to tell us      measures, both for maintenance   constructors of oil and gas
                                 more about it all.       workers and people who live   pipelines because they have
                                                          with pipelines as "neighbours".   different requirements from
                                                                                     the operators of these
                                 Q: What are standards and   In this modem world we talk   pipelines. They came to see
                                 why are they important?   about certain standards which in   us -- perhaps not to create a
                                                          principle are voluntary, and   standard, but to set up a
                                 There tends to be confusion   regulations (primarily regarding   forum where standards/
                                 between standardized servi-   safety aspects) set by govern-  regulations can be discussed.
                                 ces 		                                              Ideally, if we reach agree-
                                                          ment which are mandatory.
                                "Standardized services" are
                                                                                     ment, it can be used as a tech-
                                something made especially   Q: Why is standardization   nical regulation in Russia
                                 for you, whereas a "standard"   important for the energy sec-  and in other countries. It can
                                means the same conditions   tor?                     be used as a voluntary
                                 for everybody.
                                                                                     requirement for the safety of
                                                          Oil and gas are transported by   pipelines for those countries
                                Why is this important? If you   pipelines. Take one example:   that do not want to have them
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