Page 20 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 20

it will land in Germany. In that  That's a really good question!   your company is not trading
                               way, it will by-pass certain  When there were no pipelines,   gas?
                               countries and bring diversifica-  you had to build pipelines from
                               tion to supply routes for Russian  the producing country to the   No, not at all. We are a transporta-
                               gas.                      consuming country. The consu-  tion service provider for the LNG
                                                         mer was linked to the producer   market. In order to be able to
                               2. LNG terminals and Fe-  and vice versa. So, if the market   trade gas between the UK and
                               gasification vessels      price went down the producer   Japan, our customers need LNG
                                                         did not have any other solution   vessels and sufficient entry capa-
                               Europe wants to be less depen-  than to bring his own price   city in the USA and Japan. That's
                               dent on Russian gas, so they  down to maintain his produc-  the reason why our system brings
                               want to purchase gas from other  tion. This is still valid on certain   value-added, because with limited
                               countries. Therefore, LNG is  markets today. For instance,   investment costs our customers
                               perfect. By building new entry  market prices in the UK are dif-  can be active in different markets.
                               points into European markets,  ferent from those on the
                               the gas can come from different  European continent and the   However, we are also working
                               sources (e.g. Trinidad, Qatar,  United States. Why is this still   with developing countries that
                               Nigeria, Egypt).          the case? Simply because cer-  still do not have any gas facilities.
                                                         tain producers cannot ship their   Our techniques enable them to
                               Q:  How long will supplies of  gas to the United States if their   start up. If you need to start from
                                natural gas last?        pipelines are going elsewhere.   scratch, you need consumers, ter-
                                                         So gas was not like oil -- a glo-  minals, grids and pipelines. So
                               The latest edition of the BP  bal market. Then along came   what we do is to bring a ship
                               energy report (the reference in  LNG A lot of people believe   which lays offshore the whole
                               this matter) shows that there is  that in the future LNG will have   time like a storage tank, just fee-
                               still about sixty-five years of  the same price everywhere. If   ding gas into the grid. The ship
                               reserves. However, there are a  you have an LNG ship sailing   offers a continuous flow thanks to
                               lot of sources that are not yet  towards the UK, and the price is   a shuttle vessel that sails between
                               used or not yet discovered, so I  lower there than in the USA, the   the producing country and the sto-
                               think there will be enough gas  ship can just change course and   rage vessel and then performs a
                               for our children and even our  go to the USA. This was illus-  ship-to-ship transfer. Due to the
                               grandchildren.            trated in the winter of   fact that we are charging a month-
                                                         2005/2006.                ly rent, the country does not have
                               Q: What do the ships that                           to invest upfront, but can steadily
                               carry LNG run on?         Yes, I believe that there will be   develop its market. There are
                                                         one global price on the gas com-  limited costs for the country in
                               The boil-off of the LNG is used  modity, but for this to happen   question.
                               as energy to run the LNG ves-  we need more entry points in
                               sel. As you know, this is the  different countries. If you can-  This is very interesting, in parti-
                                                   fuel.  not access the markets, the price
                               cleanest 		                                         cular for developing countries
                               Alternatively, the vessel can use  will remain high, so you need   with coastlines. Due to high oil
                               heavy fuel like conventional  more access. Thanks to the   prices, lots of countries want to
                               vessels.                  technology of Exmar and its   develop a natural gas portfolio in
                                                         partner Excelerate, we can   order to be less dependent on oil.
                               Q: What do you think is the  rapidly increase the number of   Exmar offers a flexible solution.
                               energy of the future? In  fifty  entry points and contribute to a   One ship can carry the annual
                               sears?                    global gas market.        consumption of about 200,000
                               Well, I do not have my crystal  Q: From what you are saying.
                               ball with me! From a personal
                               point of view, I think that gas
                               will still be around. Nuclear
                               energy technology will hopeful-
                               ly have advanced so that we can
                               use even more of that.
                               Renewables will, of course,
                               continue to expand.

                                Q: Do you feel that LNG will
                                make natural gas a global

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