Page 19 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 19

been processed and then   regional perspective and not   buoy locations.   There are a couple constraints
             condensed into a liquid at   from a national one. Some   2.  Fast time to market,   all through the value chain
             almost atmospheric pressure   countries benefit from   because the infrastructure of   from production to distribu-
             by cooling it down to   extraordinary geological or   Exmar is limited and therefo-  tion. If the market needs more
             approximately -163 degrees   environmental situations   re quickly put in place. The   gas, you need to enhance the
             Celsius. LNG is transported   which significantly lower   site in Teesside, UK, is a clear   entire system. For instance, in
             by specially designed cryo-  the investment costs in wind   example of this.   Europe you see two main evo-
             genic sea vessels and cryo-  power, hydro power or even   3.  Environmentally friendly:   lutions: on the one hand, indi-
             genic road tankers; and stor-  geothermal units. Therefore,   as the buoy is several kilo-  genous production is rapidly
             ed in specially designed   it is often better to invest in   metres away from the shore,   decreasing (UK, Germany,
             tanks. By this process; it   these countries where the   our system does not harm the   etc.); on the other hand, the
             becomes approximately 600   costs are lower rather than   coastline in comparison with   consumption of natural gas is
             times smaller, and is easier   merely adopting a national   a traditional LNG terminal.   rising due to all kinds of poli-
             to transport over long dis-  point of view.                             tical decisions (Kyoto,
             tances where pipelines do                       Q: It I understand correct-   nuclear phase-outs, etc.). This
             not exist, are difficult to   Q: How does natural gas   l. when the ship arrives in   leads to a rapidly expanding
             build or just as an alternati-  reach my home?   harbour, you just discharge   gap between supply and
             ve. The major difficulty                        the gas directI.        demand. The question now is:
             with the use of gas is   There are two means of                         who is going to fill this gap?
             transportation, so therefore   transportation for reaching a   We do not even need a har-
              LNG is very a good solu-  country: via LNG (liquid)   bour in order to download the   Large investments are needed
              tion. It can then be used for   or via pipelines (gas). The   cargo! The problem today is   to bring gas from Russia or
              heating, as raw material for   choice of method depends   that nobody wants a large ter-  Qatar to Europe.
              industry or to produce elec-  on investment costs and   minal on their coastlines. The   1. New pipelines are under
              tricity. It goes without   political choices. It is then   coast is used for tourism and   construction (like the Baltic
              saying that this whole value   transported across the coun-  other activities, and a huge   Sea Pipeline).
              chain is very capital inten-  try in high-pressure pipe-  production plant is not a pret-  2. LNG offers a global advan-
              sive.                  lines and distributed into   ty sight. Therefore, our sys-  tage and flexibility in the mar-
                                     your home through low-  tem allows us to unload our   ket place, therefore there are
              Q: Is natural gas good or   pressure pipelines.   cargo far away from the   investments in liquefaction
              had for climate change?                        coastline. What happens, in   terminals, cryogenic ships
                                     The main difference be-  fact, is the following: the ship   and re-gasification plants.
              Natural gas is the cleanest   tween our company, Exmar,   is docked to the buoy (which   A lot of new terminals are
              fossil energy available. In   and other shipping compa-  might be far from the shore),   being created. Some people
              order to comply with the   nies is that we have develo-  the liquid gas is re-gasified,   argue that these terminals will
              Kyoto Protocol, many   ped, together with our part-  injected into the offshore   not be used as there is not
              governments are promoting   ner Excelerate, a techno-  pipeline and sent to the shore.   enough gas to fill them. Our
              natural gas because it lowers   logy where we carry out the            system costs only one-seventh
              the emissions of the country   re-gasification on board the   Beside the ecological   of the total cost of a terminal,
              compared to other fossil   ships. Normally, you have   concerns mentioned above,   and you have more flexibility.
              energies.              liquefaction plants, ships   re-gas terminals require huge   To give you an example: in
                                     and then the re-gas facility   capital investments. With the   the Netherlands there are
              It is true that there are rene-  on shore. We skip the last   Exmar system, developed   three competing projects. It
              wable energies that produce   step. The ship is moored at a   with its partner Excelerate,   can be questioned whether a
              no emissions, such as wind   specially designed off-  it's much cheaper -- you only   relatively small country like
              power. But these technolo-  loading buoy. The LNG is   need one vessel to serve dif-  the Netherlands needs three
              gies have some disadvan-  re-gasified on the vessel and   ferent markets. One day the   LNG projects! We will see in
              tages. For instance, you   injected into the national   vessel is active in the United   a couple of years what hap-
              need back-up energy for   grids by means of a sub-sea   States, some days later it can   pens.
              wind turbines in case there   pipeline.        be serving the United
              is no wind. Due to its flexi-                  Kingdom. In order for a gas   Q: What plans are there for
              bility, the back-up energy   By building the re-gasifica-  producer to be active in two   developing the pipeline net-
              often used for wind turbines   tion plant on board our   markets, he needs to build   work?
              is a gas-fired unit.   ships, we have the following   two terminals, but by using
                                     advantages:             our product he will be able to   I believe there are two main
              I do not believe that most   1. Flexibility:  we can off-  serve two markets. It introdu-  projects.
              renewable energies -- such   load the vessels directly into   ces a great deal of flexibility   1. Construction of new pipeli-
              as wind energy -- would be   the national grids without   into the market.   nes
              economically viable without   using a costly re-gasifica-              I think the biggest one is the
              the large subsidies paid by   tion plant. For the price of   Q: What are the constraints   one under the Baltic Sea
              countries. I also believe that   building one traditional   on natural gas in Europe?   which will link Russia imme-
              energy investment decisions   LNG terminal, Exmar can   Is it the supply of gas or is it   diately with Europe, because
              should be made from a   build up to seven re-gas   the pipeline network?
                                                                                                   12007 Diva 17

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