Page 17 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 17

Photo courtesy of Emerson Process ManagemenL"
              as mandatory require-  adequate corrosion protec-  pipelines should be built in   It is very difficult to say
              ments. It is not only a diffe-  tion. How many layers   such a way and the metal  since we only started last
              rence in the way standard   should be put on -- one,   should be so thick, etc.   year. For the time being,
              are reached, it's also a dif-  two, five? In Russia they                we have a completely dif-
              ference in the role of the   might tell you put five.   Q: Does this project only   ferent attitude between the
              State and industry, and this   First, the State cannot   concern Russia or are other   companies from Western
              is influencing some techni-  accuse me of neglect; and   countries involved?   and Eastern Europe, there-
              cal issues. In the West,   second, I am protecting                      fore things take time.
              there is a history of part-  myself because the regula-  The request came initially
              nership between the private   tions say that I should put   from Russia, but what we are   What is important is to get
              sector and the government.   on five layers of corrosion   discussing concerns the  people to understand that if
              The private sector produ-  protection. Tomorrow, if   whole region. The interesting   they introduce regulations,
              ces pipelines that cor-  my pipeline fails due to   thing is to reach "trans-  they should also look at
              respond to the technical   corrosion, it was not my   border" regulations. The  what is being done else-
              requirements. If something   fault because the State   major oil and gas producers  where --raising awareness
              goes wrong, the company   regulations prescribed five   in the region have similar  about the issue.
              has to correct it. In some   layers.           concerns. The system of
              Eastern European coun-                         regulations is changing in  However, in my opinion
              tries and in Russia, for   Q: Who are the people   Russia, but it is also chan-  one of the most important
              instance, there is mistrust   using you as a forum for   ging in Kazakhstan. Without   issues is safety. Twenty
              between the private sector   discussions?      dialogue you could end up  years ago there was a terri-
              and the government. The                        with pipelines conforming to  bly cold winter in Siberia,
              government does not have   You have the producer of   two completely different sets  and there was a man who
              confidence in industry.   the gas, the companies that   of regulations. This is a  had a pipeline not to far
              They would like to check   built the pipeline and the   waste.          from his house. One day
              everything and that's the   pipeline 	                                  he decided to drill a hole in
              reason why they want clear   Pipelines may be built by   We are not trying to reinvent   the pipeline to get some
              rules.                  private companies and   the wheel! We are trying to  gas to heat his house. He
                                      their sub-contractors invol-  build these new regulations  succeeded, but the conse-
              What is rather funny is that   ving the metallurgic, tech-  on the basis of existing ones,   quences were catastrophic.
              industry too is asking for   nical and mechanical   whether American or ISO  The whole village was
              clear 	industries. Once the pipe-              standards. In some areas the   blown up and all the inha-
              standards. Why? Because   lines are constructed, there   regulations exist, in others  bitants were killed. This is
              they are afraid that the   are managed by the opera-  there are none. The philoso-  only one illustration of
              State will use its power   tors. So there might be   phy is that if you are doing  why it's important to have
              against them. Let us take   hundreds or even thou-  something, it should at least  standards, but especially in
              an example: corrosion on   sands of different actors   be unified with your neigh-  the area of security. E
              the pipelines. What is cor-  involved-- all to a different   bours.
              rosion? According to some   extent. They all have their   Q: So when do you think
              Western standards, it is said   own ideas about different   these standards will be
              that the pipes should have   "types of standards" --the   adopted?
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