Page 18 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 18
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Interview with Bart Lavent,
Director Upstream Downstream of Exmar
In the past, natural gas pany Exmar is one because it is not a member of
recovered during oil company that is specia- the European Union), you
production was not mar- lized in this field. We find the major gas reserves in
keted and therefore it were lucky enough to the Netherlands and the
was simply burned (fla- meet Bart Lavent, the United Kingdom. However,
indigenous production of gas
red) at the oil field. Director
Limited quantities were Downstream of Exmar, in the UK is on the decline,
utilized as an energy who kindly took the so more and more gas has to
source. With the advent time to answer our be imported to cover decli-
of new technologies, questions. ning production in the face of
investments in pipelines growth in demand for natural
and liquefied natural gas Q: First of all, where does gas in Europe. This brings
(LNG), it now is possible natural gas come from? new opportunities for lique-
to collect and process fied natural gas, as pipeline
natural gas so that far Natural gas is a natural capacity is limited and a long
more of it can be used resource, a gaseous fossil lead-time is required to con-
as an energy source fuel comprised primarily of struct new pipelines.
than Pipelines also have political,
methane. It can be found in
However, transportation oil fields, natural gas fields geographical and flexibility
of gas is a very capital- and in coal beds. Russia has limitations.
intensive operation and the biggest known reserves,
limitations are placed by followed by Iran and Qatar. Q: Can you tell us what
pipeline liquefied natural gas is and
Although Qatar is a small
Modern technologies country in size, it has the how it is made?
third largest gas reserves in
transport of gas. The the world. If you look to Liquefied natural gas -- or
Belgian shipping com- Europe (excluding Norway, LNG -- is natural gas that has
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