Page 15 - DIVA_1_2007_No.28
P. 15

Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, A family makes its way over a rubble pile at a women only school. According to the principal of the
               institution over 400 people are still entombed beneath the rubble. [Date picture taken: 1 0/1 8/2005] © Edward Parsons/IRIN

             We ensure global coverage ment of strategic partner- better understanding and to be interns, but I think we
                                                                                    are looking for a combina-
             through time zones: when ships. We are interested in response.
             we sign off in Geneva, the transfer of talent and
                                                                                    tion of education and
             New York is signing on; technologies and, more On the platform side, we skills: politics, humanities,
             when New York is signing importantly, our methods are implementing a new law, library sciences and
             off, Kobe is signing on, etc. and standards to people search capacity and inves- technology combined with
             It works well, as we have who are starting up similar tigating how to further research and information
                                                                            system management skills. We are
             about two hours of overlap services. Our first project is develop
                                                                                    not solely looking for per-
             before any station signs with a group called technology,
             off. 		                                                                Sons with international
                                the RedHum in Panama, who
             Coordinator in Geneva are involved with disaster  Q: Do you have a  relations backgrounds --
             helps as it is between East response in ten countries,  message for the interna-   rather for people who have
             and West. 	                                     tional community?
                                                                                    interesting and compelling
                                     We are going to help them
                                                                                    backgrounds, languages,
                                     use our models with a
                  What are the  direct benefit to them and My message is that rele- and most of all a profound
                                     to us though shared sourc- vant and reliable informa- interest in supporting
             priorities for 2007?
                                     ing and immediate multi- tion is key to ensuring that humanitarian relief efforts.
             We have a strategic plan lingual capacity.  	the major UN norm 'coope-
                 2007-2009. We are
             for 		                                                                    For further information
                                                             ration' is realized within the
                                                                                            please consult the
             focusing on three areas: On the products side, one challenging context of
             people, products and plat- of our new products will be humanitarian coordination.
             forms. On the people side, advocacy-specific. We will  	                       wwwreli'
             we want, as far as possible, be looking at how better to  Q: If somebody wanted
             our service to be user-cent- cover emergencies and to do an internship with
             red, in order that we equal- what to say about them,  you, what should they
             ly meet the information especially  	do?
             needs of humanitarians and emergencies. There are
             our beneficiaries. At the humanitarian dimensions They should get in touch
             same time, on the people in all of these areas that are with us directly. They can
             side, we are looking to often neglected or over- look at the web-site and
             increase our regional pre- looked. We aim to highlight apply online. We have a lot
             sence through the develop- these and others to support of people who would like
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