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The   Ofd   Engjtsh   Couirt::.

                           Tvade   tan-ks  wilth,   Russ,ia

                                                             nui'nber   of  foreigners   joumey  exhibitions     displaying    large
                                                             to  Russia   to  work   as  crafts-  wall   panels    of   historical
                                                             men,    civil    servants     and  texts,    detailed    documents
                                                             explorers    -  to  an  abiupt   end,  and  maps,   photographs    and
                                                             expelling    the  English    traders  other    images    entitled
                                                             as  a mark  of  his   disgust   at the  "Medieval    Russia   from   the
                                                             execution    for   treason     of  Eyes   of   the  Foreigner"    and
                                                             Charles    I   on   30   January  "The     History     of   Anglo-
                                                             1649.                    Russian   Relations".    The   col-
                                                                                      lection   mostly   of   coins   and
                                                             The   Old   English    Court  docuinents    was   donated  from
                                                                                       a  nuinber   of   sources,   inclu-
                                                             The   building    became   private  ding   the  British   Libraiy    and
                                                             property    and   was  the  home  the   Marquis    of  Salisbuiy's
                                                              of  several    prominent     men  private   collection.
             Situated   in   northemAsia    and     He    pre-
                                                              and   their   fainilies.    The   house
             Eastem   Europe,   tl'ie  Russian  sented   the  The   Old   English
                                                             was    remodelled     several  One   of   the   oldest    secular
             state   originated     from   the  Court   to  a  group   of   English
                                                              tiines   and   was   unrecognisa-  buildings    in   Moscow,    of  spe-
             expansion    of  the   principality  merchants    who   arrived    in
                                                             ble   by   the  twentieth    century  cial   interest   are  the  meticu-
             of  Muscovy.    It   played    an  Mumansk    in  1553   from   the
                                                              when   it  was   split   into   apart-  lously   reconshucted    interiors
             increasing    role   in   Europe  court   of   Edward   IV,  under
                                                              ments   by   the  Soviet   authori-  especially    that   of  the   Formal
             from   the   tiine   of   tsar   and  the   coininand     of   Richard
                                                              ties.                    Hall  with   its  low  vaultedroof
              emperor,    Peter   the   Great  Chancellor.     They   had   been
                                                                                       and  elaborate   brick   fireplace
              (1672-1725),     who   establis-  sent   to  search   for   a  northern
                                                              A  Muscovite    architect    and  where   meetings   were   held   and
             hed   Russia   as  a  major  power.  passage   to  India   but   took   the
                                                              restorer,   who    almost    single  the   'i'ansaction    of  official   busi-
                                      opportiu'iity    to  establish    trade
                                                              handed   protected   Moscow's  ness  took   place.  Concerts   of
              Legendary    are   the   sump-  links   with   the   Tsar   who   wel-   early   nusic   are  held   regularly
                                                              medieval    legacy  in  the   Soviet
              tuous   life    styles   and  grand  comed   them   wannly,    provi-    and   related   events   for   children
                                                              Union,    painstakingly    resto-
              palaces   of   the   Romanov  ded  themwith    a headquarters            also   take   place   there.
                                                              red   the  house   to  its  original
              dynasty   of   tsars  and  empe-  and   allowed   them   unlimited
                                                              form.   There   were   no  records
              rors   who   ruled   Russia   from  duty-free    trade.                  The    Old    English     Corut
                                                              of  the   interior    designs   of  the
              1613   to   1917.    In   October                                        Muserun   was  opened   to  coin-
                                                              building    so   restoration    is
              1917   the   Tsarist  regime   came  Although    good   relations    suf-  cide   with    a  State   Visit    of
                                                              based   on  the   present   d6cor   of
              to  an  endwith   the   Revolution  fered  when  Elizabeth   I repea-    Queen   Elizabeth   II  in  1994.   It
                                                              Tudor    interiors    existing    in
              when    the   last   Emperor    of  tedly   rejected   Ivan's   propo-   is    cominemorated     with    a
                                                              Britain    including    those   on
              Russia,   Nicholas    n,  his   wife  sals  of   maiage    -  the  third  plaque  placed   on the   oritside   of
                                                              display    in   Hampton    Couit  the   building.
              and   family   were   imprisoned  English    envoy    to   the   Tsar
              by  the   Bolsheviks    and   execu-  was   kept   under   house   arrest
                                                                                                   Ita  Marguet

              ted  at  Ekaterinburg     on  the  here  - trade   flourished    bet-
                                                              Close   to   Red    Square   the
              night   of  17  July   1918.  ween   the  two   countries   for
                                                              Chambers     of    The    Old  Note:    Aclaiowledgement    is
                                      ahnost    a  century    with    the
                                                              English    Court   are  part   of  the  given   to  all  sources   used  iii
              Trade    links   with   Russia  English     bringing     wool,
                                                              Moscow    History    Museuin.  preparafion   of   fis   text.  It  is
                                      metals   and   wine   in   retum   for
                                                              In  one  of   the  city's   old   dis-  dimwn   fi'om   Moscow    mid   St.
              Ivan   the  Terrible   (1530-84)  furs,   caviar,   honey   and   other
                                                              tricts   it  was   initially    built   at  Petersbtug:   Heritage   mid   his-
              was    Grand     Pice     of  Russian   produce.     Russian
                                                              the  turn   of   the  fiffeenth    and  tory   (by   Ita   ALu'guet,    May
              Muscovy     (1533-84)     and  timber   was   used   to  build   the
                                                              sixteenth    centuries.    In   the  2008).
              crowned   tsar   in  1547.    His  English     fleet,    and    the
                                                              past   it  was   used   as  a  residen-
              reign   became    brutal    and  Russian   army   was   equipped
                                                              ce  by  the  English   Moscow
              tyrannical.    He   reformed    the  with    English    muskets    and
                                                              Trading   Company    and  later
              legal   code   in  1555,   expanded  ainmunihon.
                                                              housed     the    first    foreign
              his  territory    and   established
                                                              representation    in  the   Russian
              commercial     relations     with  In   1649    Tsar   Aleksei    I
              England.                brought    the  alliance   -  which
                                      had   seen  an  unprecedented
                                                              The   Museum   contains   two
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