Page 48 - DIVA_1_2009
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                The young Horace-       Gabriel Paccard-and some   of his ascent in wonderful   the age of 22 Saussure
                                        weeks later the two men   copperplate handwriting.   became professor of
                Bénédict de Saussure
                                        succeeded in reaching the   As a result of this both   philosophy at the Academy
                visited Chamonix in 1760
                                        top of the mountain. Four   Beaufroy and Saussure   of Geneva, a post he held
                and developed the ambition
                                        days later Balmat set out for   were made honorary   for twenty-four years. His
                to stand on top of Mont
                                        Geneva to find Saussure   members of the Royal   early interest in botany led
                Blanc or at least to be
                                        and claim the reward.   Society in London. Those   him to carry out solitary
                responsible for it being
                                        Saussure was now deter-  who took part in these early   expeditions to the Salève
                climbed. For this purpose
                                        mined to reach the summit   expeditions were ill   and the Alps looking for
                he posted notices in all the
                                        himself, but it was not until   equipped and suffered   plants, but he soon began to
                surrounding villages offer-
                                        1 August of the following   severely from fatigue,   focus on the structure of the
                ing a reward to the first per-
                                        year that the weather condi-  sunburn, sun-blindness,   mountains. As a practical
                son to reach the summit of
                                        tions were right. Balmat led   nausea and thirst.   and theoretical geologist,
                                        the team of seventeen                           he turned out to be
                Mountain" at 4,807 metres,
                                        guides carrying a ladder to   Saussure's family formed   enthusiastic, persevering
                but it would be twenty-six
                                        cross the crevasses, taking   part of the wave of  and brilliant. On every trip
                years before anyone
                                        with them Saussure's son,   Protestant refugees that had   he filled notebooks with
                claimed the prize. In 1785
                                        tent 	                                          observations: the actual
                                               and 	moved from Lorraine to
                he had a small hut built
                                        instruments. Saussure was   Geneva in the sixteenth   date, time, place, height,
                high on the mountain as a
                                        as much interested in mak-  century. His family was   longitude/latitude,
                refuge and made an attempt
                                        ing geological and meteor-  rich and formed part of the   temperature, air pressure,
                on the summit himself, but
                                        ological observations as in   nobility. As a young man   humidity-sometimes even
                had to turn back due to bad
                                                                                        his expenditure. His elegant
                                        reaching the summit.    Saussure
                                                                numerous letters with   writing often includes
                                        Five days later an      Albrecht de Haller, a   descriptions of the way of
                Finally, in 1786 a mountain
                                        Englishman, Colonel Mark   famous Swiss doctor,   life, customs and well-
                guide called Jacques
                                        Beaufroy, accompanied by   botanist and naturalist   being of the people living in
                Balmat found a viable route
                                        ten guides, followed    living in Berne, who    the high mountains. He
                to the summit. He shared
                                        Saussure's route to the top.   encouraged him to study   paid the closest attention to
                his discovery with a
                                        Beaufroy wrote an account   the plant-life of the Alps. At   the geology in a way that
                Chamonix doctor-Michel-
                 46 12009 Diva
                                         dva  nternational.
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