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had    never    been    done  Saussure   visited   England    in  to    him    the    words  in  his  house   and   probably
       before:   the  strata,   the  type  1768   and,   after   meeting  "geology",    "mineralogy",  owed   his   life   to  the   fact   that
        of  rock,   the   fossils   and  inin-  Benjamin     Franklin     in  "serac"    [ice  pinnacle]    and  12,000   troops    outside   the
        erals   they   contaiiied.    He  London,     introduced     the  "moraine",     first    appeamg  city's   gates  were   ready   to
       measured   the  temperature,  lightening     conductor     to  in  his  books   in  the  1780s.  intervene    on   his   behalf.
        coiu'se   and  flow   of   rivers,  Geneva-regarded     with  He  was   the  first   person   to
        glaciers   and   lakes.  great    alarm    by   the   local  observe   that   Alpine   valleys  Since    his    early    30s
                               population.             were   U-shaped,    although  Saussure   had   suffered   from
        How   exactly   were   the   Alps              he  never   realized   that   they  sore   throats    and   chronic
        created?   How   did   the   rocks  Horace-B6n6dict's     wife,  had    been    carved     by  digestive    problems.    By   the
        come   to  be  folded?   Why  Albertine    Boissier,    came  glaciers.   He  also  believed  1790s   both   his  health   and
        are  the  glaciers   there?   The  from   a  distinguished    family  wrongly    that   the  cente   of  his  finances   began   to  fail
        fact   that   glaciers   existed   in  of   Genevan   bankers.   They  the   Earth   was   cold.  seriously.     He    died    in
        the   high   mountains    came   as  and   their   children    lived   in   a  Geneva    in   January    1799
        a  revelation    to  many   peo-  town   house   in  Gerieva   and  Saussure   was   active   in  the  and    was    buried     at
        ple.   Nobody    had   ever   asked  an  elegant   villa   borde*g  political     sphere   too.   He  Plainpalais.    In   those   days   it
        these   questions   before   and  the   lake   at  Genthod,    which  vainly     put    forward     a  was    forbidden    to    erect
        Saussure   was   deterininedto  can   still   be  seen   today.   The  proposal    making   education  gravestones,    so  his  grave,
        find   the   scientific    answer  letters   that   Saussure   wrote  available     to    the    lower  like   that   of   Jean   Calvin,   is
        (see   box).           to  his  wife   while   explomg  classes.   In   1772   he  founded  lost.
                               the  Alps    are  masterpieces  the    Soci6t6     pour
        He  invented   and  perfected  of  charm   and   tenderness.  lAvancementdesAi'ts    etde
        many    early    fonris     of                 l'Ayiculfuie     dedicated    to
        sciei'itific    instnunents,    such  Between    the  1 760s   and   the  promoting     the    Geneva  HAYWARD    BEYWOOD

        as the  hygrometer    for   the  1790s   Saussure   crossed   the  econoiny.     As    a   highly
        liumidity    of   the  air  and   the  Alps   on   fourteen    geological  respectedpublic    figure   with
        anemometer    for   the  wind  expeditions.    He  published  a  strong   sense  of   duty,   in
        speed.   He  created   all  sorts  the  findings   from   some   of  the  Genevan   Revolution    of
        of  thennometers,     particu-  his   trips   in   a  series   of  1782    Saussure     found
        larly   one   that   could  be  low-  volumes    entitled   Voyages  hiinself    reluctantly     thrust
        ered   to  the   bottom   of   deep  dans  les  Alpes.   He   was  in  into   the   limelight    as  a
        lakes   but  would   maintain  no  way   a  mountain    climber  spokesman     for    the
        its   reading    while    being  and   only    went    where   he  aristocracy.    Subsequently,
        hauled     to    the    surface.  could  walk   or  ride.   We   owe  he  had   to  barricade    himself

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