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P. 50

AMBASSADRESS:                           FINANCIAL                MELTDOWN

               "Tell   me,"   I  said,   choosing                                      Bankers    on  the   front   porch
               my    words     with     care,                                          glued   to  their   blackbenies,
               "given    that   we   are  moving                                       journalists     in    the    hall
               into   a  period   of   recession,                                      taking   notes   and  whispe-
               would    this   perhaps    be   a                                       ring   into   their    mobiles,
               good    time   to   renew    my                                         politicians    in   the   library
               wardrobe    whilst    we   can                                          making    promises    behind
               still   afford   to?"                                                   every   pillar,   secretaries    in
                                                                                       the    dining     room     re-
               You   would   have   thought    I                                       shuffling    the   name   cards   to
               had   proposed    cavorting                                             accoininodate    last-minute
               naked   down   the  streets   of                                        defections     or    additions.
               Geneva.                                                                 Himself    looking     harassed
                                                                                       and   wishing    they   would    all
               For   some   reason   he  studies                                       go  home.    I  picked   up  an
               the  ceiling   in  moments    of                                        umbrella    and   braved    the
               crisis     such    as   these.                                          weather.
               Seeking   assistance   from   a
               higher   being,   presumably.                                           Came    back    late   into    the
               It  never   works   for   me,   but                                     afternoon     feeling     much
               then   I  wasn't   brought    up   by                                   better,   and   was   treated   to  a
               the   Jesuits   and   thus   do  not  happened.    I'm   the   one   who  ce  this   month.  synopsis   of   the  disastrous
               have   a  direct   line.   The   only  does  the   accounts    in  this  economic    situation    with
               revelations     I    get    from                                        which     he    had    been
                                       house,    so   how   did    that  You   know   those   days   when
               gazing     upwards     centre  incriminating     piece    of  the  clouds   are  so  low   you  involved    for   the  best   part
               around   the  density   of   the  paper   find   its  way   to  his   In  feel   you   could   touch   them  of  the   day.
               cobwebs.    Retail    therapy,
                                       tray?    Must     be    a   new  if   you   stretched    just   that
               on  the   other   hand,    never  secretary.     I    wondered  little   bit   more?   When   what  "So,"     he    summed     up
               fails   to  uplift.   But   like   all  fleetingly    whether    I  could  starts   off   as  a  hint   of  drizz-  wearily,     "given     the
               men,    he  won't    even    give  do   a Palin   on  her.   There  le  tums   into   a  steady   mis-  situation,    do  you   think   that

               that     a      passing  was   a  particularly    nasty  erable   downpour?    When   to  you   could    perhaps    avoid
               consideration.          bill    from    the   garage    this  add   insult    to   injury    the  spending    quite   so   tmich
                                                                                       money    for   a  while?"
                                       month,     I   recalled.     The  wind    gets   up   and   blows
               "Your    wardrobe,"    he  said,  direct   result   of  my   seeking  whatever    was   left   of   your
               looking    pointedly    at   my  to  widen   our   parking    area  newly   washed   hair   into   a  Absolutely,    I  said,   nodding
                early    morning     Beagle-  to  the   detriment    of  the   car's  flattened     mangey    cl'iarity  understandingly.     Not    a
               walking     garb,    "could  wing   mirrors.     shop   cushion?    When   even  problem.
                indeed    do   with    a  little               the  dog   takes   a desultory

                improvement,    but   I  hardly  "Restoration  and  sniff   at  a couple   of   trees  He   looked   suspicious.

                think   this   is  the   time   to  be  Maintenance,"     I    said  and   heads   for   home    and
                indulging     in    further  brightly,     whisking     the  warinth    as  fast   as  its  paws  "Is   that   a  new   handbag?"
                excesses."     He    shuffled  offending    papers   off   his  and   owner   can   manage?
                some   papers   on  his   desk  desk   before   he  caught   sight     No,   I  said,   Of   course   not.
                and   I  noticed    he  had   been  of    the    amount     I    had  Except   that   when   you   get  I've   had   it  for   years.
                reading    the   latest   bank  personally    spent   at   the  there   you   find   there   is  yet
                statement.     Damn,     that  beauty     salon    for  another     Official  Lucky    he  didn't   notice   the
                should     never     have  restoration    and   maintenan-  Happening    taking    place.  shoes.

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