P. 33
Expository Writing Guide
Expository writing explains your thoughts in a clear and complete way.
Expository =
Break down the word: If you are thinking about a topic, you must be
analyzing it.
This essay will require you to analyze “The Bet” to be able to
explain your response to the prompt.
Prompt: After read “The Bet,” by Anton Chekhov, write a well-developed multi-
paragraph essay that explains how isolation impacts one’s perception of reality.
Break down the prompt
What, specifically, does the prompt want you to do?
Answer: Realize that energy drinks are dangerous for the health.
Look at the topic(s) you are asked to write about--what is the MAIN topic you
will choose to focus on?
Energy drinks are a significant public health problem.
Where will you find your supporting evidence that relates to this topic?
High blood pressure, heart palpitations and cardiac problems.
What is the goal of your essay?
Change the mind of the lecture about energy drinks.
What is the essay’s purpose?
The note declares that in his time in confinement he has learned to despise
material goods as fleeting things and he believes that knowledge is worth
more than money.
On his way to do so, however, the banker finds a note written by the lawyer.
What are you going to explain?
Answer: The lawyer also unwittingly saves his own life by writing the note.
Brainstorm by listing anything you know about the main topic of your essay so
you can develop related ideas and specific details to support each idea. Select
facts and information from your own knowledge and experience.
Create list here:
Begin to formulate your clear and concise thesis statement.
Your thesis statement is the blueprint for your essay--it is the most
important piece. The thesis statement drives the structure and content of
your essay.
It is important that your thesis statement is clear and can be supported
with facts.
The thesis statement for an expository essay should NOT express an
opinion--rather, it is fact-based.
You should be certain your thesis statement answers the prompt.