Page 14 - April 2023
P. 14

MGA Dreaming                                                              BStory and photos by Russ Welty and Chip Hanback

   I first  became acquaint ed wit h Barney?s work when I was
  researching informat ion for my MGA.  His websit e MGA Guru is an
  incredible body of work.  I had quest ions so I cont act ed  him and
  we immediat ely made a connect ion.  He was very helpful.                   A last minute  special event  in March,

  When he called me recent ly and said he would be coming t hrough            with  special  guest,    adventurer,   and
  t own and want ed t o st op by and hang wit h me in my garage I was         the   MGA  Guru   Barney  Gaylord,
  act ually excit ed. " says Russ Welt y.                                     provided  living  proof  that  if  you  can
                                                                              dream it you can do it.

      In  1977  Barney  Gaylord  purchased  a  1958  MGA        immediately  recognize  Barney  as  a  character
      with 150,000 miles on the clock. He paid $800 for         straight  out  of    Kenneth  Grahame's  Wind  in  the
      it. In 1986, after a 1200 hour  restoration, the job      Willows.   When  J.  Thaddeus  Toad  urged    friends
      was done, with $9,109.52 in  costs. The odometer          content to stay  safe at home to " Come  with Me,
      was rolled back to zero and the fun began.                I'll  Show  you  the  World!"   it's  easy  to  picture
                                                                Barney  throwing out  an identical challenge. Toad
      Barney,  who  describes  himself  as  'formerly  of
                                                                originally started out with a horse and a gypsy cart
      Naperville, Illinois, now a citizen of the world', has
                                                                but  soon  advanced  to  a  motorcar.  Barney  's
      traveled more than 700,000 miles in his MGA on
                                                                horsepower is provided by his trusty British sports
      what  has  become  a  permament   road  trip;
                                                                car  but the impetus for adventure is the same as
      translated, he's been on the road   for  nine years
                                                                Toad's.   Story continues on page 16.
      and  counting.  Son Elliot is his navigator;  a small
      tag-a-long  trailer   carries  everything   that  they       Special thanks  to club member and MGA
                                                                   fan Carl George for holding  the event on
                                                                   short notice  at his Franklin based garage.
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