Page 10 - April 2023
P. 10

Left:    Their    work     as
                                                                                     organizers done,  NBCC Club
                                                                                     Founders  JD  and  Cindy
                                                                                     Damon  took  a  seat  in  the
                                                                                     overflow section and  shared
                                                                                     their  table  with   two  of  our
                                                                                     newer    members      Warren
                                                                                     Gardner    and    his    wife,
                                                                                     Debby,  the  owner  of  the
                                                                                     British car in the family.

                                                                                     Below: The cozy private dining
                                                                                     room  was  empty  at  a  few
                                                                                     minutes  before  5  but  quickly
                                                                                     filled up with Club members.

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