Page 42 - Jan2023
P. 42

My Travelogue continued from page 4

        I talked at length with others  about my new friend Victor. He is even more of a resource than I first

                                                                             Left: I discovered  that Victor
                                                                             Young was very well- known and
                                                                             even more of a resource than I
                                                                             first had thought.

                                  On l y Som e of  wh at  I  saw at   at  t h e
                              Lan cast er  I n su r an ce Cl assi c Car  Sh ow


    Members of the " Make Do and Mend Club" , L-R, Lou Stans, Chip Hanback, Jim Moran, and Ken Gaidos.

     image by Brent wood Camera Club
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