Page 39 - Jan2023
P. 39


                                                 In Britain, there was the

                                                     Lord of Misrule long

                                                         before there was a

                                                 Father Christmas. Then,


                                                Oliver Cromwell, the Lord

                                Protector,    neither  a believer in

                                       Kings nor a fan of  Christmas.

                                            This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,

        T hosewho spend much of t he holiday season lament in
                                                                       " g
                                              This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
        it s fall int o frivolit y, commercialism, and low t ast e, rat her
                                                  This other Eden, demi-paradise,
        t han concent rat ing solely on t he religious aspect s of t he
                                              This fortress built by Nature for herself
        Christ ian nat ivit y st ory, should t ake heart .  The t hings t hey
                                               Against infection and the hand of war,
        lament  as indicat ions of modern moral failings,  have always
                                             This happy breed of men, this lit
        been a part  of  seasonal celebrat ions in December and January.  tle world,
                                              This precious stone set in the silver sea,
                            St art ing wit h t he Romans
                                               Which serves it in the office of a wall,
        Alt hough t he Christ ian Church  had made t remendous inroads
                                                 Or as a moat defensive to a house,
        in t he Roman Empire by t he 4t h cent ury, t he much earlier
                                               Against the envy of less happier lands,
        mid-wint er fest ival of t he Sat urnalia,  held in honour of t he god
                                      This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England ?
        Sat urn, was st ill hanging about .  The fest ival   commenced on 17
        December and was accompanied by seven days of
                                                           William Shakespeare, from John of Gaunt's speech in Richard II
                                                             39                            story continues following page
    Images by iSt ock,
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