Page 36 - Jan2023
P. 36

My  Travels  Around  England  (  and  a  few  other  places,  too)  2022
                                    Images and Story by  NBCC Member  Stuart Naylor

        Oct ober 25t h: After shaking off the cobwebs of an
                                                                 Heading southeast from Altrincham down the A56
        8-hour flight from Atlanta first order of business was   to join the M6 south bound. Destination is south

        some good Pub food. And a pint of real Ale.              of  London  so  about  four   hours? drive.  Really
                                                                 regretting that second pint.
        Oct ober  27t h:  Had  lunch  with  an  old  friend.  We
        both entered the music business in our teens. He a       Lat er t hat  day: Coulsdon Surrey.
        Sax player and me Trumpet. Our careers took us in
        different directions. Good to see him again after all    Met  with  Victor  Young  to  pick  up  a  triple  SU
                                                                 carburetor  setup  for  my  MGC.  He  has    been  a
        these years. Thanks to Facebook.
                                                                 member of the British MG Car Owners Club since
        Oct ober 29t h. Picked up a rental car at Manchester     before the great flood according to Victor.
        airport  this  afternoon.  Planning  an  early  morning
                                                                 I  really   wish   Victor  was  in  Nashville.  He  has  an
        start  tomorrow.  Leaving  the  family  for  a  week
                                                                 encyclopedic knowledge of the MGC.
        visiting friends but first stop is Coulsdon in Surrey to
        pick up a much-planned addition for my MGC back          Victor  is  a  technical  contact  for  the  British  MG
        in Nashville. More on that later.                        Owner's Club and has  raced MGC?s for years. He
                                                                 had four MGCs at his home.
        Oct ober  30t h.  6:00am.  Should  not  have  had  that
        second pint last night!

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