Page 32 - Jan2023
P. 32

Driving in France, continued from page 31                      grown up around.The cobbled streets there
                                                                       were mostly pedestrianized.
        I  half  closed  my  eyes,  and  felt  transported  back  to  a
        previous time, a previous century perhaps, maybe even                Of  the  few  that  were  open  to  cars,  all
        a previous millennium.  It felt good.                          were  one  way.  Cautiously  negotiatingthe
                                                                       unlabeled lanes, trying  to find the only car
              My  home  here  was  the  top  floor  of  an  ancient,
                                                                       park  shown  in  the  visitor's  guide,  I  found
        narrow,  three-storied  stone  house.  Climbing  the  stairs
                                                                       myself in a curious maze.  Inching up to the
        up the back to my outside entrance, I found that it had
                                                                       same  intersection  for  the  third  time,  a
        been  modernized  inside,  with  new  plumbing  and
                                                                       friendly local came to my aid.
                                                                             Holding  his  bicycle  with  one  hand,
              The  view  from  the  large  front  window  took  in  the
                                                                       pointing  at  the  guide  with  the  other,  he
        entire wide valley on the other side of the river.  There
                                                                       shook  his  head  and  said  something  along
        were rows of walnut trees in the orchards on the near
                                                                       the lines of ?you can? get there from here?
        side,  and  vineyards  climbing  the  hills  on  the  far  side.
                                                                       Gesturing for me to follow him, he mounted
        Behind those hills low, steep sided mountains rose to a
                                                                       his  two-wheeler  and  eased  off  down  an
        height  of  several  hundred  meters.    To  one  side  the
                                                                       obscure  narrow  alley  with  me  following.
        black walls of a classic feudal castle stood on the edge
                                                                       Minutes  later  we  emerged  from  the
        of an isolated, rocky height. Rising from within the walls
                                                                       stone-built  village  to  the  little  tree  filled
        was  a  massive  square-sided  keep,  lording  over  the
                                                                       oasis  that  was  the  car  park.  Smiling  and
        valley,  keeping  watch  on  all  below  from  its  hazy
                                                                       waving, he rode off on his bicycle.
              Each morning I walked down to the tiny car park, and
        then drove off to explore this corner of France.  My daily           Here  was   a  whole  new  maze.   The
        drives did not need to go far, for subtle attractions were     parking  spots  were  squeezed  in  between
        everywhere.  The vineyards cascaded over the hillsides,        the trees, and wound around the curves of a
        right  down  to  the  edge  of  the  roads,  anchored  at  the   rocky  stream.   And,  oh  yeah,  every  single
        ends  with  pious  shrines  to  Our  Lady,  and  were  the     space was filled.  Inching my car around the
        central subject of many a landscape scene as I cruised         maze, I spotted a man striding purposefully,
        back roads.                                                    and  not  too  far  away.   Voila!   No  doubt  a
                                                                       parking space will soon become available!
             Almost every panoramic view was framed by a castle,
        sometimes  even  two  or  three.   A  few  were  huge  and          Turning around, I headed toward the spot
        looming,  a  few  were  tumbled-down  ruins,  but  mostly      as he got into his car.  Oh No!  I?m too late!
        they  were  ancient  fortified  houses,  left  over  from  the   Another  two  cars,  coming  from  two  other
        Hundred Years War.  Some had their beginnings (as did          directions,  got  there  before  me.   They
        the ever so narrow village lanes) as far back as Roman         jockeyed closer by turns, moving up on the
        times, when there was a garrison here to maintain the          guy until he could hardly squeeze out of the
        ?Pax  Romana?   These  country  homes  were  often             spot.  They effectively blocked his exit, but I
        modest,  repaired  and  upgraded  countless  times  since      was  able  to  gingerly  back  up  to  where  he
        their beginnings, but still serving. well.                     could squeeze by me, maybe with inches to
                                                                       spare.  (Centimeters? Millimeters?)
          You Can't  Get  There from Here, (nor can you park
                          when you get  t here)                             Meanwhile, the two other cars continued
                                                                       crowding  each  other,  edging  closer  and
             One day I decided to visit a historic church in a small
                                                                       closer  in  a  slow  motion  game  of  chicken,
        city  some  distance away.The  cathedral  of  Ste.  Mathieu
                                                                       both intent on occupying the same spot.
        was in the core of the old town that a modern city had

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