Page 33 - Jan2023
P. 33

They  rolled  down  their  windows,  and  began      Offered between the whirligigs and stuffed animal
        shouting at each other.  Then, with a risky jolt, one   toys, the bargain prices ranged from 2-5 Euros per
        of the cars lurched ahead, angling halfway into the     bottle. I was told that these wines were excellent, if
        space.   Car  number  two  simultaneously  punched      not superb.  However, there were no sausage & egg
        the  gas  pedal  and  smashed  directly  into  car      biscuits,  no  fountain  drinks,  and  they  didn?  have
        number one?s passenger door.                            any sushi.
              Both  drivers  exploded  out  of  their  cars,  fists        Taking a different route home, the winding road
        raised, roaring furiously.  Quickly slamming my car     hugged the river, passing several caves famous for
        into reverse, I got out of there, but fast.   Whatever   their  prehistoric  wall  paintings.  Visiting  dark
        was gonna happen next, I wanted no part of it.  The     constricted places has little appeal for me, but the
        cathedral of Ste. Mathieu had been waiting seven        chance to explore one of Richard Lionheart?s castles
        hundred years for my visit, and it could wait a few     was  too  good  to  pass  up,  and  just  such  a  castle
        more.                                                   soon appeared right on my route home.
               Roadside Offerings t he French Way                    This time the car park was spacious, uncrowded,
                                                                and  convenient  to  the  admission  office  just  a  few
              Driving  out  of  the  medieval  town,  a  service
                                                                steps away.  Passing the wooden swords and plastic
        station appeared just as my low fuel light came on.
                                                                helmets on sale there, the open drawbridge ahead
        Pulling  in  to  fuel  up,  I  wondered  about  the
                                                                drew me with an irresistible force.  Inside the castle
        conspicuous  ?Sans  Plumb?sign.  (Hasn?  lead  been

                                                                walls,  a  tall  central  keep  beckoned  with  a  similar
        banned from gasoline for over 50 years?)
                                                                insistence.   Hewn  stone  steps  spiraled  up  the
             Exploring the offerings inside, I found that a nice    narrow space for level after level,  up  and up  until
        selection  of  tempting  local  wines  was  available,   open sky appeared  continued on page 34
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