Page 30 - Jan2023
P. 30

Driving in France, continued from page 29                    My expectation had been to drive directly to my
                                                                accommodations,  but  my  landlady  simply  would
        He    bravely    approached     the   incoherently
                                                                not  give  me  her  address.  Why,  I  couldn?
        babbling  madman,  and  his  frantically  waving
                                                                understand.    Complying,    however,     with   her
        arms.  Quickly  back  inside  the  building  he  went,
                                                                directions  as  requested,  I  squeezed  into  a  spot
        and  came  back  out  with  several  other  serious
                                                                between a shiny new Peugeot and a battered old
        looking  young  Frenchmen  dressed  in  coveralls.
                                                                panel  truck.  Short  minutes  later  she  appeared,
        They, like him, spoke no English.
                                                                driving an old Citroen Helene. It was fortunate that
             As I continued to repeat ?rouge rouge rouge?,      I had very little luggage, because I could barely fold
        the answer to this situation seemed to dawn on          myself  into  the  tiny  car,  sharing  it  with  Madame
        them all simultaneously. They stood up straight,        Odile  herself,  and  a  number  of  bags,  boxes,
        relaxed, and smiled broadly.                            bundled packages, and her dog.

             Frenchman number one then leaned into the                Francois  was  a  pleasant  little  dog  that
        car, pointed to a small unlabeled rocker switch on      resembled the head of an old string mop, in size,
        the  console  (right  by  the  spot  where  my  elbow   color,  texture,  and  aroma.  He  was  remarkably
        had  been  resting)  and  somehow  communicated         similar in some ways to the little car. They were of
        to  me  that  I  had  switched  on  a  speed  warning

             The red lights glowing all around the dash had
        nothing  to  do  with  the  engine  overheating,  and
        everything to do with me driving faster than the
        speed  threshold  that  was  set  in  the  car?s  alert
        system.  Never seen anything like that before or
        since.   Sacra  Bleu!   Guess  I?d  better  be  careful
        where  I  rest  my  elbow  for  the  rest  of  my  trip.
        (Hey, I?m practically fluent now!) Merci monsieur,
        merci beaucoup!

              Smiling  and  waving,  and  relieved  that  my
        Franco-ride  was  functioning  as  its  makers
        intended, I eased back onto the roadway.

                 Not  long  afterwards  the  scenic  village  that
        was my holiday destination appeared, perilously
        perched  at  the  edge  of  the  Dordogne  River.     Above:  The morning view from the large front
        Rounding  the  last  curve,  an  artist?s  view  of  the   window of my AirBnB, a place with no address,
        compact town presented itself.                        where cars are for trips to the outside world, not for
                                                              daily use.
               It  was  a  crowded  canvas  of  ancient  stone
        buildings, narrow and tall peaked, tumbling down
        the  steep  hillside  from  the  cliffs  above,  jostling
        their  way  down  to  the  road  below.   I  pulled  my
        mid-sized  Euro  machine  into  the  small  parking
        lot,  apparently  the  only  really  flat  spot  in  the                                                           A 1970s model Helene, a  little two cylinder  car,  was the
        town, just a few yards from the river.                                                                            perfect micro-car for traversing a French village.

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