Page 29 - Jan2023
P. 29

I?m not sure what a reverie is, but I think I was   chicken, and dressed with a sauce that could only
        having one. As the miles rolled by, the countryside      have been produced by sorcery.
        became even more sparsely settled, and the road
                                                                        I  think  I  was  having  another  one  of  those
        climbed  gently  into  wooded  hills.  Villages  were
                                                                 reverie things.  Refreshed, I  pulled  back onto the
        now  far  between.  I  suddenly  realized  that  I  was
                                                                 main road and continued on my way.  After some
        hungry, so I peeled off of the main road to a village
                                                                 miles  (sorry,  kilometers)  the  rolling  hills  became
        that  seemed  a  little  larger  than  the  others  I  had
                                                                 higher  and  steeper.   More  like  low  mountains.
        passed.  Nothing  resembling  a  restaurant  was
                                                                 Coming over the top of one, and swooping down
                                                                 the  particularly  long  back  side,  a  faint  glow
              Parking  in  the  little  square  by  the  church  (it   around  the  instrument  cluster  began  to  show
        seemed  that  every  village  had  a  medieval  stone    itself.
        church, with a landmark spire, marking the center
                                                                      At first it was kind of pinkish, but it got redder
        of  town),  I  was  delighted  to  see  a  tourist  office.
                                                                 and  brighter  as  I  descended.   Oh-oh.   Having
        And it was open!
                                                                 driven  a  string  of  raggedy  old  junkers  over  the
             Unfortunately for me, the delightful girl in the    years,  I  started  having  an  unpleasant  feeling  of
        tourist office spoke only French, and my French is       deja vu.  (Hey - I know six French words!)  Could
        limited to just four collections of  words - bon jour,   this thing be overheating?
        merci,  vin  rouge,  and  Coupe  de  Ville.   However,
                                                                      Just to be safe, I figured I better keep my speed
        after enthusiastic ?bon jours?  by tilting  our heads
                                                                 up over the next hills, and then slip it out of gear
        and     gesturing,    we     effected     a    rustic
                                                                 to  coast  down  the  other  side,  thus  allowing  the
                                                                 engine  to  cool  off  a  bit  from  the  extra  air  flow.
             I came to understand that there was no actual       This  seemed  like  a  good  idea,  but  it  wasn?
        restaurant in the village, just a sandwich truck of      working - in fact the whole dash was now glowing
        some sort.  By now I was starving, so giving her my      as red as a furnace, and I was getting concerned
        cheeriest ?merci!? I strode off to find the food truck   to a point near panic.
             Not far away, set sideways  by a small parking           The grades were now definitely mountains, and
        lot, was a tiny wooden trailer set on blocks, with an    I  made  sure  to  never  touch  the  brakes  on  the
        an awning and an open window.  For another ?bon          lengthy  descents,  trying  keep  the  airflow  up.
        jour?  and  five  Euros,  the  smiling  chef  de  cuisine   Coasting downhill at speeds approaching 150 kph,
        produced  a  baguette  sandwich.   As  a  bonus,  I      I was desperately  hoping get to the next town of
        learned a fifth French word: voila!                      size  before  this  machine  stranded  me.   In  a
                                                                 remote part of a foreign country no less.
               There  being  nowhere  to  sit,  I  walked  back  to
        the  car  to  eat.   Unwrapping  my  sandwich,  I  took                Rouge! Rouge! Rouge!
        my first bite.  Oh my goodness, what is going on
                                                                 To my good fortune, a town appeared appeared
        here?      I  took  another  bite,  and  then  another.
                                                                 on the horizon a few minutes later, whence I sped
        Good  thing  I  was  sitting  down,  because  I  nearly
                                                                 as rapidly as possible, hoping to get there before
        fainted  as  the  rush  of  sandwich  nirvana  flooded
                                                                 the  engine  blew.I  spied  a  small  brick  building
        over me.
                                                                 plastered  with  signs  for  Michelin,  NGK,  and
        How  was  is  possible  that  this  emergency  ration,   Peugeot, so I pulled into the tiny parking lot, and
        purchased  in  this  remote  place,  could  be  so       jumped  out.  Waving  my  arms,  and  saying?rouge
        exquisite?  The freshly baked bread had a perfect        rouge? and ?s?l vous plait? (am I up to seven words
        crunchy crust, was soft and chewy on the inside,         now? or is it eight?) a slender young frenchman in
        and  enfolded  crisp,  faintly  bitter  baby  greens,    coveralls stepped out of the shop. Continued on page
        balanced  by  savory  slices  of  aromatic  roast        30
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