Page 41 - Jan2023
P. 41

This is  a celebration where across the country .
        communities have  fireworks and a bonfire  on
        which  we  burn  an  effigy  of  Guy  Fawkes  who
        was part of  the Gunpowder Plot in 1605.

        The  conspirators'  plan  was  to  kill  the  King  by
        blowing  up  the  House  of  Lords.  Fawkes   was
        the first one caught.

        Guy Fawkes--not a popular man. and now, any
        excuse to have a party.

        I played a little Jazz late into the evening with
        Geoff who is a fine pianist.

                                                                 Above: An  engraving from a Victorian magazine no
                                                                 longer in copyright shows young boys preparing the

                                                                 guy, an effigy of Guy Fawkes, the figurehead of the
                                                                 1605   Gunpowder Plot,  in preparation  for setting
                                                                 him on fire. IStock image by Tonny Baggett

           Above:  Geoff  has been my friend since
           1973. He is a fine pianist and was  my host
           for Bonfire Night.
        November 7t h.

        Back in Altrincham with family.
                                                               Above: On Guy Fawkes Day bonfires are seen acroos
        November 11t h.
                                                               England. Image iStock by Jamie Pharr
        Time  for  a  train  journey  to  the  National
        Exhibition Center in Birmingham to visit the
        Lancaster Insurance Classic Car Show
                                                                 Check out  a Brit ish Herit age Moment  on page
        The show opened at 10:00am and I walked
                                                                 46 of t his issue. Learn about  Guy Fawkes and
        the grounds for   eight  hours.  I also joined
                                                                 discover why, more t han 400 years lat er, he's
        the  British  MG  Owners'   Club,  giving  me
                                                                 a person whose act ions are st ill remembered
        access to their technical support and also  a
                                                                                    in England.
        monthly magazine.  St ory ccont inues on page 42
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