Page 140 - Dedication
P. 140

Furthermore, getting more information about the
organisation is another good way to determine how the covering
letter could be written.

   tt- Write the candidate's name and contact data:

       The candidate should write his name as well as contact
data at the top of the covering letter. The candidate's postal
address, e-mail, phone number and landlines should be included.
However, applicant's landline number should not be given, if it
will not be answered.

       The e-mail address creates a professional impression, so a
professional e-mail that includes, for instance the applicant's first
name and last name should be given.

   uu- Write the title of the required the job:

       At the start of the covering letter, it is important for the
candidate to determine the job that he/she is applying for. This
can be written in a line by itself, for instance, "Re: Applying for
Ticketing and Reservation Job". It can also be written in the
opening paragraph, for instance, "I am writing to apply for the
recently advertised ticketing and reservation job".

   vv- Write a list of relevant skills:

       The covering letter should include a brief summary that
matches the candidate's skills and experiences to the job
description. A short bullet-pointed list is accepted. If the

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