Page 44 - Dedication
P. 44
b- Write clearly and to the point:
If you are clear enough about what you want to say in your
message, you should be able to say it in a language that your
recipient can easily understand. Therefore, you should keep
your sentences short and avoid the overuse of conjunctions
such as 'and, but, with,… etc.', because they make sentences
too long and rather boring.
c- Be courteous and considerate:
Courtesy means showing consideration for your
correspondent. This can be realised by replying promptly to
all letters and answering them on the same day they are
received if possible. If you cannot answer immediately, you
should write and explain the reason. This will create a good
impression and build goodwill.
Courtesy also means understanding and respecting the
recipient's opinions and points of view. It is also the quality
that enables a request to be refused without killing all hopes
of future businesses. If you feel that your correspondent's
comments are unfair, try to respond tactfully without giving
offence and do not reply to a rude message in the same tone.
Instead, answer courteously, but do not degrade yourself.