Page 45 - Dedication
P. 45

d- Adopt a tone suited to the occasion:

In order to achieve the purpose of your written

communication, it is possible to convey the content of your

message in a way that does not cause offence, even if it is a

complaint or a reply to a complaint. You should never ignore

the tone of your message, so that your communication cannot

sound aggressive, curt, offensive or sarcastic to your recipient.

● Examples:

Instead of writing ….            Write ….

- We cannot do - Unfortunately, we are

anything about your        unable to help you in this

problem.                   occasion.

- It is not our mistake - We are terribly sorry, but

and we cannot do           we are unable to help

anything to you.           you.

   e- Write in a sincere way:

   Try to take a genuine interest in your recipients and their
problems, enquiries, and so on. Therefore, the massage should be
sincere, written in your own words and in your own way.

   ● Examples:

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