Page 1 - JAM End of Season Newsletter - Autumn 2017
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End of Season Newsle er

                                                                Autumn 2017


          JAM on the Marsh ran from 6  – 16  July this year, spanning the Romney Marsh from Dungeness to Hythe
          and New Romney to Snargate.  We presented 27 events over the fes val that reached a total audience of
          14,500 people, included 53 new works and had media coverage of 4.7 million people.   We had a 49%
          increase in bought  ckets, with 95% of our audience saying their experience was be er than or as expected.
         We featured twice on BBC South East's TV news and had a concert broadcast on BBC Radio 3… It's safe to say
         that JAM on the Marsh was a huge success this year.

           Changeling Theatre, Hamlet, Li lestone

          The fes val is an ever-evolving one, as every 2 years the Curator changes – this year Durham Cathedral's
          Master of the Choristers, Daniel Cook took over from Paul Mealor, composer to the Royals.  We welcomed
          jazz for the first  me, with the wonderful David Rees-Williams Trio playing their extraordinary crossover of
         classically influenced jazz.  We also created Children's Sunday for the first  me, involving local children in
         theatre, music, art, recycling and bugs.  This was a very interac ve day, with the children rolling up their
         sleeves and ge ng well and truly involved in everything going on.  We took events to new venues such as the
         Visitor Centre of the Dungeness Power Sta on, Li lestone Golf Club and the Star Inn, St Mary in the Marsh.

           6 Marsh Primary Schools, Onyx Brass, Daniel Moulton, New Romney
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