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P. 43
As you gain technical skills, you also learn to use tools and
technology to do the job.
TOOLS– Machines, equipment, and tools you may use on the
TECHNOLOGY– software and information technology used to
perform a task or do a job.
Here are just a few of the tools and technologies used by a dietitian:
©2017 Learnovation, LLC
Glucometers Nutritionist Pro™ software
For Evaluation Only
Impedance meters FoodWorks™ software
Notebook computers CyberSoft NutriBase™
Skinfold calipers Medical software
Calorimeters Microsoft Office™
Start thinking about all the tools and technology you use every day,
whether it's a spreadsheet or word processing program, editing a
YouTube™ video, or posting to a blog.
Soft Skills
Soft Skills are character traits that
show how well you interact with
other people. They are also known
as people skills.
Soft skills are often harder to iden-
tify than technical skills, and judg-
ing how well someone can do the
skill varies based on the person measuring performance. Think
about it… how do you measure courtesy? Different people have dif-
ferent expectations. We pick up many soft skills as we grow up, and
are influenced by the people around us. Soft skills are often the
hardest skills to learn or improve.
20 Part 1- Identify Your Skills