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additional training will you need to obtain a specialty
certification? You’ll take a look at the knowledge, skills and
abilities needed to do the job.
3. Create Your Career Plan– Look at your target career and com-
pare it to your current skills. Where is the gap? What's missing?
More education? More experience? A certification in a specialty?
You’ll figure out what you need, create your route for getting that
target job, and set your career goals. Now, on to the first part...
©2017 Learnovation, LLC
Part 1- Identify Your Skills
can do right now. For Evaluation Only
“Why Should I Hire You?”
“What makes you the right person for the job?”
These don’t have to be hard questions in an interview. It’s time to
stop and take a personal inventory of all your skills and what you
So, just what are employers looking for?
People who have the knowledge and skills to do the job.
People who have the ability to learn.
People whose interests, values, and work style fit with the
The power of your career portfolio is the ability to show examples
and proof of your various skills, knowledge, and abilities that will
make you a good candidate. Let’s start with a few terms you need to
KNOWLEDGE– something you have learned or discovered.
SKILL– the ability to perform a task- usually something learned.
ABILITY– qualities that enable you to perform a task - something
you have within you that helps you do the skill.
Step1: Know Your Skills & Plan Your Career 15