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how to create a résumé that really focuses on your skills and
                                 highlights your qualifications, and makes employers want to
                                 interview you for the internship or position. Then we’ll look at
                                 ways to use social media and LinkedIn™ to promote your skills
                                 and network with people who can help advance your career.

                              4.  Assembling the Career Portfolio- We’ll look at how to customize a
                                 career portfolio to showcase your skills in a job interview,
                                 promotion, or compete for internships and scholarships. You'll
                                     ©2017 Learnovation, LLC
                                 learn how to combine your work samples and other key
                                 documents into an electronic and a hard copy career portfolio,
                                             For Evaluation Only
                                 making sure your career portfolio is customized to each person
                                 reviewing your work.

                              5.  Using the Career Portfolio- We’ll look at ways to use your hard
                                 copy career portfolio and your ePortfolio in interviews and as a
                                 marketing tool. You’ll learn how to customize your electronic and
                                 hard copy career portfolio for different settings, from job
                                 interviews and reviews, to applying for colleges or internships,
                                 tracking certifications, or competing for scholarships. You'll be
                                 creating the tool for keeping a pulse on your career now and in
                                 the future.
                              So, let’s jump in and get started with Step 1: Knowing Your Skills
                              and Planning Your Career.

                          12                                   The Five Steps to Developing a Career Portfolio
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