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The Contents of a Career Portfolio
A career portfolio is designed to show
people proof that you have the skills
and abilities you want to promote.
When you create a hard copy portfolio,
you will be assembling your documents
and work samples into a 3-ring binder,
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with tabs separating the key sections of
your career portfolio.
For Evaluation Only
When you create an electronic portfolio,
you want to select what portions of your
ePortfolio a person can view, and what
specific work samples to show. The amount of control you have over
how your ePortfolio displays content varies greatly between pro-
grams. You may have to be creative about how you label and set up
documents in order to include some items in your career portfolio.
Here’s a list of the key parts of a career portfolio in the
order they appear in a hard copy portfolio:
Items with this icon are tabbed sections of the career
Items with this icon are pages in the career portfolio.
8 Career Portfolios in Electronic Format