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Career Portfolios in Electronic Format

                              An ePortfolio is an electronic version of your career portfolio that
                              can be viewed on a computer, a phone, or tablet. There are many
                              different ePortfolio programs you can use, and they all have differ-
                              ent features and functions.
                              Many schools today provide students with the software and com-
                              puter access to create an ePortfolio. The important thing to know
                                     ©2017 Learnovation, LLC
                              about the program you use is how you can organize your samples
                              and information and then customize what can be shared with some-
                                             For Evaluation Only
                              one else who would be viewing your ePortfolio.
                              Sometimes your ePortfolio can become a junk drawer, with all kinds
                              of things thrown into it. Making sure your drawer is organized makes
                              it easier to quickly find what you need.

                              It also helps to be able to take a few specific things out of the
                              drawer to show to someone else. A person reviewing your academic
                              records for an internship may not need to see your life guard certifi-
                              cate, but an employer for a summer job might. Being able to select
                              what someone sees is critical when using your ePortfolio effectively.

                              Benefits of Having an ePortfolio

                               You can store all your work samples electronically– it's a good
                                  way to keep track of all your samples

                               You have flexibility in how you group your work samples
                                  together. It's easy to show one work sample and have it linked
                                  to different skills.
                               You can e-mail someone a hyperlink so they can view only the
                                  information you choose.

                               ePortfolios are often used before an interview as a way to
                                  generate interest in you, or after the interview to remind people
                                  of what you have to offer.

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