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It’s a Process
Putting together your career
portfolio is a process… because
it’s not just about the collection
of documents, but what you do
with them, how you organize and
classify them to show someone
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your very best. By going through
this process you get an under-
standing of who you are, what
For Evaluation Only
skills you bring to the table, your
strengths and weaknesses.
You’ll be taking a look at all the things you do on the job, or in your
classes and then start to look at everything from a skill perspective.
Instead of just doing a project because it’s assigned, you’ll look at
the course syllabus on the first day and say “Exactly what am I get-
ting out of this class?” How is it going to move me toward being a
dietitian? What professional areas of competency am I gaining in
this class? What additional skills am I developing as I work in
groups, give presentations, and write this report? You’ll also start
seeing all the other skills you are building on the job, in your frater-
nity or sorority, when you do counseling, or volunteer at the 5K race.
A career portfolio is not just about including your best samples, but
it’s about developing a career focus, identifying your skills and abili-
ties, your strengths and weaknesses, and setting goals to build your
career in the dietetic field.
When you put together your career portfolio, you learn to recognize
your strengths and find ways to emphasize these through your
career portfolio. You are also faced with your weaknesses, and in
the process, you find ways to compensate.
Career Portfolio Basics 3