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It’s all about the Passion... Ask any
registered dietitian why he or she
chose the profession, and you will
hear a different story. They might
have encountered friends and
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family with health issues, been
fascinated by the science of food,
For Evaluation Only
or felt the impact of nutrition on
their performance as an athlete.
Dietitians have a passion for what they do. Being able to showcase
your skills and qualifications with that passion is the edge you need
to compete for a dietetic internship or the find the right job.
Knowing your skills and abilities, documenting your work experi-
ences, education and community service are critical to completing
your education, getting a dietetic internship and becoming a profes-
sional. A Career Portfolio is the tool you will use to identify your
strengths, document your skills, and market yourself as the right
person for the job.
“How do I use all my experiences to
build my dietetic career?”
This book is going to tell you how to take a collection of your work
and turn it into a power tool to show an internship coordinator or
employer all the skills and knowledge you’ve developed during your
career. You’ll take all your projects, activities, work experiences, vol-
unteer experiences, etc., and combine it into a tool you can use to
show anyone what you can do- why you qualify for the position, the