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internship, the scholarship, or why you deserve the raise and what
                              qualifies you for the promotion.

                          What is a Career Portfolio?

                              A career portfolio is an organized
                              presentation of your skills, abili-      A career portfolio is a
                              ties, experiences, job history, and      tool you use when you
                                     ©2017 Learnovation, LLC
                              education. It is an in-depth career      want to show someone
                              summary designed to showcase             you are the right person
                                             For Evaluation Only
                              the best you have to offer.              for...
                              You can create two different for-         the job.
                              mats of a career portfolio, a hard        the scholarship.
                              copy career portfolio and an elec-
                              tronic version we call an ePortfolio.     the internship.
                              Each has its benefits and uses, and       the promotion.
                              we recommend you create both              the raise.
                              You will collect work samples (sometimes called artifacts) that show
                              all the things you can do: Your skills and abilities from all areas of
                              your life, including your job, your education, hobbies, activities,
                              interests, and volunteering. These samples can be documents
                              you’ve created on the job, letters of recommendation, samples of
                              projects and presentations you’ve done in school, videos you’ve cre-
                              ated for YouTube™, educational articles you’ve written for a maga-
                              zine, menu plans for athletic training, awards, certificates, pictures,

                              From this collection of samples, you will decide which of your skills
                              and abilities you want to promote about yourself, and you’ll organize
                              and assemble your career portfolio to highlight these skills. As you
                              develop your portfolio you actual build a personal profile of your
                              skills and qualifications.

                          2                                                   What is a Career Portfolio?
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