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This is the basic list. Now, KEEP IN MIND… Depending on your work
samples, experience, involvement, and education, you may choose
to have MORE tabs than this basic list.
You might want to add additional tabs such as:
Volunteerism / Community Service (Work samples, letters of
recognition, photos of projects completed, programs and
©2017 Learnovation, LLC
brochures relating to community service projects, and/or
volunteer experience.)
Certifications, Diplomas, Degrees, Scholarships, and Awards
For Evaluation Only
(Copies of documents.)
Memberships (Membership cards, citations, photos, and
letters related to organizations.)
Works in Progress (Examples of projects and materials that
may not be complete, but you want to show off.)
If you don't have enough samples to fill up a tabbed section, you
might have fewer Key Skill Areas, or need to combine two Key Skill
Areas into one. You might need to include some of your certificates
or community service samples in one of your Key Skill Areas instead
of keeping it under a separate tab. Remember, it's your career port-
folio, designed to show your best work, so we'll be looking at the
best ways to showcase everything you have to offer.
We'll be going into much more details on the contents of a career
portfolio when we look at the details of work samples and assem-
bling a career portfolio.
10 Career Portfolios in Electronic Format