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Make it Real.
                                Your career portfolio should reflect who you are right now. Don’t

                                pad it with filler projects and samples if you don’t have them.
                                Take a look at what you’re missing, and make plans to fill the

                                     ©2017 Learnovation, LLC
                          The Five Steps to Developing a Career Portfolio

                                             For Evaluation Only
                              There are five steps to developing your career portfolio:
                              1.  Knowing your skills and planning your career– Identifying your
                                current skills, your target career and jobs, and the gap between
                                the two. Plan for gaining the skills and knowledge you need to
                                move forward by setting goals.
                              2.  Collecting and organizing your work
                                 samples– Work samples are the guts of
                                 your career portfolio. The actual proof
                                 you use to show you have the skills to do
                                 the job. Your samples are what set you
                                 apart from other people; they show what
                                 you have to offer. Work samples are the
                                 proof of all the things you can do, from
                                 all parts of your life. We'll look at the
                                 types of samples you can use, where to
                                 find them, and how to capture and keep track of all these
                                 samples. We’ll look at how to categorize and organize your work
                                 samples to show the best of what you do.

                              3.  Creating Your Résumé– We often say that your résumé gets you
                                 the interview, your career portfolio gets you the job. If your career
                                 portfolio is your marketing kit, your résumé is the one-page
                                 summary to who you are and what you have to offer. You'll learn

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