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Go back to the Career Planning tool template you’ve been using and
identify the skills and experience you still need for your ideal job.
Download the Career Planning Tool document template to help you
track your skills and work samples within key areas.
©2017 Learnovation, LLC
Set Your Career Goals
Once you've made some decisions on how you will get to your target
For Evaluation Only
job, you need to set some goals. Goals are performance achieve-
ments you set for yourself over a 2-5 year period. Break down your
plan into a timeline. What do you need to do first? What can you be
working on at the same time? Write your goal statements by includ-
ing each component in the SMART rules:
Specific– What are you going to
do? - Be very detailed and clear.
Measurable– How will you know
when you've reached the goal?
Achievable– How will you reach
this goal? Your goal is possible for
you to meet.
Realistic– You can achieve it within
a set time period, It's do-able.
Time-based– When do you plan on
reaching this goal? You have a set
time frame for achieving this goal.
32 Part 3- Create Your Career Plan