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Here are some good rules for setting career goals:

                               Break down big goals– having a series of smaller goals will be
                                  easier to reach and give you a sense of accomplishment when
                                  you meet each goal.

                                Big Goal:

                                 To get a masters degree in Dietetics with a specialty in
                                     ©2017 Learnovation, LLC
                                     Pediatric Nutrition by June 2017
                                 To start a consulting business on food allergies with
                                     children by September 2016.
                                             For Evaluation Only
                                Smaller Goals:
                                 To expand my food allergy blog site and newsletter
                                     following to 3,000 people by June 2016

                                 To teach an online class on food allergies by October 31,

                               Plan your goals for two to three years from now– If you are in
                                  school, think about the education your need to have and
                                  anything you can do to gain skills and experiences. If you are
                                  starting in an entry-level position, think about the job you want
                                  to be doing in two to three years.

                               Make your goals broad enough to show that you are versatile–
                                  Very specific goals can imply a narrow interest in the industry or
                                  in a specific job.
                              Write three to five goals– If you only write one or two goals, you
                                  may appear unfocused and give the impression you're not really
                                  interested in advancing your career.

                               Keep your goals professional– Make sure you focus on career
                                  goals rather than personal goals.
                              You should include a copy of your career goals in your career portfo-
                              lio. Interviewers look at your goals and see if you fit the position and

                          Step1: Know Your Skills & Plan Your Career                            33
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