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degree, certification, more experience or training, and how are you
going to get it? Look at what you have, what you need, and then find
the gaps. Then make a plan for getting the education, training, or
experience you need to move ahead. You'll also want to set some
career goals because YOU are in charge of your career, no one else.
You know your current skills, now identify the skills and
experiences you still need to do your target job position.
Take a look at the job descriptions, experience needed, and
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abilities of the people in that job.
Your skill gap is the difference in skills and experience between
For Evaluation Only
the two places.
Compare a generic job description and a job posting for a
specific company. Is there anything different between the two?
Is the company looking for special skills? Keep this in mind
when doing your gap analysis.
Your gap analysis prepares you to set your career goals. Once
you know the gap, make your plans to close the gap in the
shortest amount of time.
Using GAP for a Specialty in Sports Nutrition
You’ve just gotten your first job as an RD in a health center. You really want
to focus on sports nutrition and eventually would like to work with college
athletes and get a Board Certification in Sports Nutrition. Since the certifica-
tion requires you to have practiced for two years as a certified RD, plus work
1500 hours of practice in this specialty area, you have a number of options.
Getting a master degree in Sports Nutrition would give you 1200 hours
towards your certification. You could volunteer with a local high school team
to develop training menus or work part time as a nutrition coach at the local
gym. Developing a new sports nutrition bar, publishing your research and
giving a presentation at a national conference would also add towards the
hours you need. Start a consulting business focusing on sports nutrition and
write a book. Identify the gaps between where you are now and where you
want to be...then start planning.
Step1: Know Your Skills & Plan Your Career 31