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Making it Count!                                 Proving Your Skills                                                           Ygetting a job. Employers are looking for
                                                                                                                                          our skills and abilities are your ticket to

                                                         How can you show an employer you have the                                     people who have the skills needed to do the    Workforce
                                                         KSAs to do the job and more?                                                  work, but they expect you to bring a lot more   Job Skills
      ƒ Identify your target job and find out what                                                                                                                                    No. 2
         skills, education, and experience it takes to   Document your skills with:                                                    skills than just what’s on the job description.
         get that job.                                   ƒ  samples of your work on the job                                            Know Your KSAs

      ƒ Conciously plan to have your part-time jobs,     ƒ  documents you’ve created                                                   Part of managing your career is knowing what
                                                                                                                                       knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) you are
         volunteer experiences, extra-curriculuar           letters of recommendation from past
         activities, and training experiences help you   ƒ  supervisors and other people who know your                                 learning from each class.
         develop the skills needed for your target job.     skills                                      ƒ   KNOWLEDGE – something that you have learned or discovered
                                                                                                        ƒ   SKILL – the ability to perform a task, usually something learned
        Building Your Skills                             ƒ  projects you’ve done in school or on the job  ƒ  ABILITY – qualities that enable you to perform a task - something you have within
                                                         ƒ  letters detailing volunteer work on projects
        Knowing what skills you need begins with                                                            you that helps you do the skill.
        identifying the ultimate job you’d like to do in your   ƒ  photos of you in action              ƒ   COMPETENCY – the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills,
        career. Higher level jobs take more experience and   ƒ  a list of your skills, signed off on by a teacher  and abilities required to successfully perform “critical work functions” or tasks in a
                                                                                                                                 For Evaluation Only
        education, so do your research and identify what    or employer                                     defined work setting. ©2017 Learnovation®, LLC
        KSAs are required to do that job. Then look at your   Assemble your own career portfolio by
        current skills and identify the gaps between where   organizing these sample by your key skills, and                                                                             Your Skills  Taking Control of
        you are now, and where you want to be. Ask yourself   then putting them together in a binder that you                                       Explore Your Options
        these questions:                                 can use in an interview to prove your skills.  The Employer’s View                      Find out what skills are required
        ƒ How much education do I need?                                                                                                          for different careers at www.

        ƒ How long will it take me to get the education?  Choose Your Jobs With Purpose                   Employers are looking for people Use this site
        ƒ How will I pay for the training?               Make every part-time job, volunteer service,     with skills to do the job, who can     to research careers or take an

        ƒ What experience do I need?                     and extra-curriuluar activity count towards your   contribute to the organization with:   interest quiz to help you match
                                                         career goal. Identify the hard and soft skills you
        ƒ Are there certain certificates, licencses or   are gaining, and how they will meet the needs    8  unique skills outside the job       your current skills to possible
           tests required to do the job?                 of your target job.                                 description                         jobs. You’ll find:
        ƒ How much do I really want this job?                                                             8  good communication skills           ƒ in demand jobs

                                                                                                          8  the ability to teach and train      ƒ types of work they do
                                                                                                             others                              ƒ the KSAs, tools, and
                                                             Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC       to manage their own careers. We believe in a   8  ideas that make things more           technologies used
                                All Rights Reserved.
                   ©2015 Learnovation , LLC All Rights Reserved.  holistic approach to job readiness - job skills and   efficient                ƒ training and education
                               life skills working together to bring out the best in
                                                             people.                                      8  positive interaction with               requirements
                                                                                                             customers and coworkers.            ƒ salary ranges
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