Page 74 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 74

A Case for Specialized and Specific Intervention and Treatment Strategies with Abused Children
        believable accounts of abuses that have  child pressed into courtroom testimony
        never occurred to them. Especially                   appears to be contraindicated as to future

        when faced with an adult questioner                  treatment concerns. It would stand to
        who is using repeated suggestive                     reason that due to the nature of forensic

        methods and has a confirmatory bias,                 evidence and information gathering, either
        children’s witness accuracy suffers.                 by a forensic mental health professional,
        (Ceci, et al., 1995)                                 child protection worker or a police

                                                             detective, all of whom are focused less on
        Compounding simply bad questioning                   treatment than on the goal of successful
        and investigative techniques, is the                 litigation, future treatment is a secondary
        issue of how the symptoms of PTSD                    concern. It would seem that the very

        interact with forensic questioning.                  approach of an investigator and the
        The DSM groups symptoms into three                   nature of the questions would have the

        basic categories of re-experience,                   clear potential to trigger re-experiencing,
        psychobiological alterations, with                   avoidance, numbing, detachment, and
        avoidance, numbing and detachment                    physical agitation. If unenlightened

        comprising the last category. Wilson,                questioners, or questioners not taking
        Friedman, and Lindy (2001) contend                   into account the child’s developmental

        that there may be a need to add three                level are added to this mix, it would seem
        more categories to fully articulate                  likely that triggering may occur with
        PTSD, including problems in                          some reliability. This would appear to be

        interpersonal relationships, disturbance             a ripe subject for research and testing.
        of ego structure, and alterations to                 Even a child who has experienced abuse

        the victim’s psychological makeup.                   and is not diagnosed with PTSD may
        Schuder and Lyons-Ruth (2004)                        find the courtroom experience daunting.
        articulate the list further by describing a          Wrightsman (2005) explains:

        variety of attachment behaviors that can                “It can be argued that for any victim of
        be seen in traumatized infants. There                sexual abuse or rape, whether an adult

        is some evidence that there are child                or child, the experience of facing your
        specific behavioral signs of PTSD,                   alleged attacker in court is particularly
        such as precocious development and                   stressful. The trauma is compounded if

        behavioral regressions. (Nader, p284)                opposing attorneys view the children as

                                                             especially susceptible to intimidation
        In light of what has been demonstrated
        thus far in the research on the effects of           during cross examination, and judges

        PTSD in abused children, a diagnosed                 remain oblivious to efforts to “break down
                                                             the child on the witness stand.” (p 285)

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