Page 75 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 75

A Case for Specialized and Specific Intervention and Treatment Strategies with Abused Children
        Though one might hope that the                       bear study is the determination of abuse
        aforementioned Article VI of the                     process and the subsequent legal forensics

        Victims of Child Abuse Act guidelines  process to ascertain if there are long
        would directly address questioning                   lasting effects of the child moving through

        tactics by attorneys, examination of the  such a gauntlet. While psychologists may
        Article reveals no such measures. It                 use a collected battery of standardized
        should be noted, though, that the Article  tests and measures in the determination

        does provide for measures that make                  of a PTSD diagnosis, these may not
        an attempt to be sensitive to the child’s  be sensitive enough to pick up discrete

        emotional state such as videotaped                   impacts and effects of the abuse on the
        or closed circuit video testimony                    child. The tools may even misidentify the
        with an adult supportive attendant                   impacts and effects as an entirely other

        in close proximity to the child. But                 diagnosis. (Briere, Elliott, 1997) It stands
        even these may not be enough to                      to reason that the same measures may be

        mitigate all of the possible cues and                inadequate to determine if the protective
        triggers to (post traumatic) stress                  process itself is causing further harm to
        reactivity. One wonders why these                    the child. There are tailored checklists and

        same supportive measures (perhaps                    inventories available, such as the Trauma
        with the foster parent or therapist of the  Symptom Checklist for Children and the

        child attending) are often not provided  Child Sexual Behavior Inventory (Biere,
        routinely, and as mandatory in cases of  Spinazzola, 2005), but these appear to
        repeated forensic exam per CSAAS.                    have inherent limitations. The TSCC is

                                                             a self-report for children ages eight to
        The legal and therapeutic aspects of                 sixteen, and the CSBI, while evaluating
        child abuse cases are inextricably                   children between the ages of two to
        entwined. Without accurate information               twelve, only evaluates sexual behaviors.

        and proofs of abuse, the child may be                Given the complexity of ‘complex PTSD’,
        returned to a perpetrator. The process               there may be no adequate tool to ascertain

        of gaining that accurate information                 the full, unique impact of the critical
        and proof may negatively impact the                  incidents on a specific child. Schuder, et
        child’s symptoms and progression of                  al. (2004) speaks about ‘hidden trauma’

        treatment. Crouch, Smith, and Ezzell                 that is an integral part of the child’s
        (August 1999) cite the fact that research            relational experience and may may include

        in developing valid and reliable tools to            behavior sets and interaction qualities that
        measure relevant variables of outcomes               are not noticed as problematic by even a
        is lacking. One of those variables that              trained observer. Even with the current

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