Page 80 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 80

A Case for Specialized and Specific Intervention and Treatment Strategies with Abused Children
        There appears to be enough evidence                  abused children. Perhaps after all of the
        to show how children who have been                   research and articulation of therapeutic

        abused experience and demonstrate                    and legal approaches and modalities,
        PTSD is qualitatively different from                 simple gentleness may be the healing salve

        adults. Specific research into these                 that is needed. Certainly pressing a child
        qualities and even possible child-                   through a legal process does not qualify
        specific symptoms and discrete                       as ‘gentle.’ It is time for the clinical

        behavioral episodes need to be                       healers to move forward out of repetitions
        explored. Ascertaining if current                    of ‘the need for more research’ on the

        formats of forensic questioning                      development of more effective forensic
        contribute to driving PTSD symptoms  and therapy approaches, and do the
        deeper, contribute to their escalation               developing right now, in the field.

        and intensity, or are supportive of
        healing appears to be a fair area of

        concern. The development of ever
        more specific and specialized forensic
        and treatment approaches, as informed

        by valid scientific research on child
        victims expressions of PTSD is needed.

        Accurate tools to guide the process of
        treatment and measure outcomes are
        needed. High quality comprehensive

        education of all professionals involved
        with child victims about the nature

        and peculiarities of PTSD in children
        would allow for more accurate and                                                        Photo Courtesy of
        effective litigation and movement of the             William Krill is a clinician working in central

        child towards and through treatment.                 Pennsylvania with children who are survivors
        There is no specialized, specific, and               of interpersonal abuse. He has over twenty five

        individualized treatment modality for                years of experience in the human services and
        treating PTSD in children who have                   ministry fields. A book about this fresh and inno-
        been victims of interpersonal abuse.                 vative approach, entitled "Gentling: A Clinician's

        Though all of the mentioned therapy                  Guide to Treating PTSD in Abused Children" is
                                                             currently going to press. You can
        alternatives certainly implicitly contain            his helpful articles at:

        empathy and gentleness, none articulate    
        gentleness as a key aspect of treating

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