Page 83 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 83

Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sexual Victimization
        deviant news, caretakers, professional               for people who have not been victims of
        therapists, social scientists, and some              SRA/RA to become proactive energized

        political and fraternal organizations                “Survivor Advocates.” A survivor
        are also inadvertently participating in              advocate is an empathic caring person who

        hiding the truthful information.                     believes ritual child abuse is a widespread
                                                             phenomenon and prepared to engage in
        People, groups, and organizations                    whatever strategies deemed necessary in
        unintentionally contribute to hiding                 revealing the truth.

        these deviant sociopaths from
        prosecution by being fixated in their                A significant percentage of people who
        goals for financial gain and/or notoriety.  oppose abuse survivors and professional

        False memory experts, religion based                 supporters of SRA/RA are mental health
        leaders, and organizations whose                     experts, social scientists, law enforcement

        stated mission is to disassemble the                 officials, and false memory experts all
        theoretical constructs of individuals                equally as passionate in their endeavors
        and organizations diligently working to  to unearth what they believe are total

        prove SRA/RA are frequently engaged  distortions of reality. Online information,
        in.                                                  research studies, expert testimonies,

                                                             and former child sex abuse survivors
        Also included in these groups                        recanting their original allegations are just

        of unintentional offenders are                       as vigilant in their goal of revealing what
        professionals espousing the legitimacy               they believe is the truth.

        of false memories being a reasonable
        explanation for why some claim they                  Opponents of SRA/RA repeatedly
        were victims of SRA/RA yet no abuse  remind the community and media there

        ever occurred. Denials of ritual abuse               is absolutely no national data proving the
        events, publicized accounts of grown                 extent of satanic ritual abuse. The False

        adults recanting their previous abuse                Memory Syndrome Foundation (hereafter
        allegations, and the thousands of                    “FMS”) is an organization founded in
        skeptics loudly voicing their opinions               1992 of parents with grown children

        on the rest of society generate a haze a  who at one time recovered never recalled
        doubt affording pedophiles and rapist                “repressed memories” alleging childhood

        complete anonymity.                                  sexual abuse by friends and loved ones.
                                                             Their mission posted at the organizational
        To counter these alleged hollow                      website is three-fold:
        convictions, it has been encouraged

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