Page 86 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 86
Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sexual Victimization
paramount to educating law mental health clinicians and forensic
enforcement, pediatric specialist, psychologists when evaluating a
child welfare agencies and any other victimized child or confronted by an
employment fields which interface with individual who may have distorted
children. proclivities as the perpetrators of the
victimized children Dr. Finkelhor worked
By developing recognition skills, with long ago.
identification signs, and investigation
strategies will help the population
of children who are actively being
abused but too intimidated from fear to
disclose hidden episodes of sexual and/
or physical abuse.
Although there are plenty cutting edge
experts, highly educated doctors, and
brilliant social scientists, few still have
been able to conceptualize the criminal/
deviant mind. Dr. David Finkelhor, a
sociology professor hailing from New Photo Courtesy of
Hampshire, subdivided his sample Dr. Michael Nuccitelli is a New York State licensed psy-
population into three groups based on chologist and certified forensic consultant. Dr. Nuccitelli
what he believed were profile traits completed his doctoral degree in clinical psychology in
of the offender. Spiritually/Socially 1994 from the Adler School in Chicago, Illinois. In 2006,
he received a Diplomat by the American Board of Psy-
motivated, Sociopathic/Sexually chological Specialties and Certified Forensic Consultant,
Addicted, and Delusional/Obsessed C.F.C., designation from the American College of Fo-
were the sub segments he devised. rensic Examiners Institute. Dr. Nuccitelli is a New York
State resident residing in the Hudson Valley 70 miles
North of Manhattan.
Despite his critics, his experience
and incredible capacity to reduce an Dr. Nuccitelli has many career and academic experi-
entire population into three groups still ences. His areas of expertise include dietary supplement
compliance procedures, sports nutrition, human sexual-
remains remarkable in this writer’s ity, forensic psychology, heath/fitness, and psychiatric/
eyes even though almost 25 years have psychological issues. He also is an avid follower of
passed, untouchable. His conclusions current news and enjoys interfacing with the media
regarding national news. Dr. Nuccitelli can be reached at
from the 1980’s are still intensely 845-592-0120 or via email at drnucc@darkpsychology.
relevant and continue to help co His Dark Psychology blog can be viewed at http://